Hannemanam sleijerīts piemeties
Varbūt esat jau padzirdējuši - Slayer ģitārists Džefs Hannemans nelāgu kaiti noķēris:

Jeff Hanneman, guitarist and founding member of Slayer, was hospitalized late last month where he underwent emergency surgery on his right arm after contracting a serious infection, according to his band mates Kerry King, Tom Araya and Dave Lombardo.

While Hanneman's doctors were not able to definitively identify the infection's origin, they diagnosed necrotizing fasciitis (commonly known as flesh-eating disease), and indicated it likely was rooted in a spider bite. The guitarist is now recuperating at home, has already begun the process of subsequent medical procedures including skin grafts, and is expected to make a full recovery.


Dikti nelāga štelle tas necrotizing fasciitis izskatās: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necrotizing_fa... Izskatās, ka paveicies, ka nav vispār bez rokas palicis.
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uhhh, skarbi. Bet nu spēku čalim un lai veseļojas! \m/
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