Armageddon Descends II 2014-03-01
On the 1st of March 2014 darkness shall fall once again as Armageddon Descends II will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Our last ceremony was successful in finding a wide array of followers and presenting a professional and unique atmosphere. This year the NEKROKATARSIS congregation is planning to not only keep the top notch quality of our ceremony, but to incite far more darkness and terror.

We are proud to present one of this years headliners which will lead this next chapter of Armageddon Descends II – spells and curses will be invoked by the occult death metal sorcerers GRAVE MIASMA. This horde has made 3 releases over the period of 10 years of which all are milestones in the skies of occult death metal. This year the band has released it‘s first full-length album „Odori Sepulcrorum“ – a true gem of atmospheric death metal. Live performances of GRAVE MIASMA are unique rituals of deathly and decaying atmosphere. The music of GRAVE MIASMA is not only of catacombs and death, but of occultism and dark meditation enpinned through psychic levitation. GRAVE MIASMA is the true essence of death!

Armageddon Descends II will be announcing more of it‘s roster throughout the upcoming months. The concept of the festival stays the same - only darkest and the most extreme sounds! We invite all to join and lift the chalice of chaos on the 1st March in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Armageddon Descends II
1st March 2014 – Club ‘’Kablys’’ (Kauno g. 5, Vilnius)
GRAVE MIASMA – occult death metal levitation (Great Britain)
Tickets: TBA
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Underground countercultural activists Nekrokatarsis announce two more acts to perform at this year festival "Armageddon Descends II" - NYKSTA and LUCTUS.

Nekrokatarsis has been carefully following the local Lithuanian extreme metal scene and without any current trends in mind aim that only the most prominent and perspective acts would perform at the "Armageddon Descends II" rite. Without any doubt one of the most attention drawing bands from Lithuania during the last year was Vilnius based NYKSTA. The act formed not long ago and has not yet released their debut album but have already gained a lot of interest and recognition from the local community. NYKSTA play raw and apathetic urban black metal that leaves the listener hopeless - yet it is far from what one could call superficial. Their live performances embrace and and at the same time depress as tremors of a mental patient. The act will introduce songs from their upcoming album as well as some new experiments. According to their guitar player L. - "The aim of NYKSTA is to coerce the audience with the eerie routine of post-modern world. This time we plan to do so via sound and via visuals. We desire psychosis."

LUCTUS, hailing from Kaunas, probably does not require any special introduction - they have been the most active black metal band in Lithuania during 2013 with the release of their new album "Stotis" and numerous live performances throughout Europe. The band aims to keep its pace during 2014 yet their performance at "Armageddon Descends II" will be a unique one. In 2004 LUCTUS released the album "Ad Arma!" witch brought a lot of attention and interest to a new emerging act in Lithuania. Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the release the band will perform the whole album live. At the same time some brand new compositions will be announced - the past will meet the future and a time-devouring vortex of presence will appear.

The main act of the festival - GRAVE MIASMA, a levitation of atmospheric death metal hailing from the United Kingdom. Yet these are not the final news - further performances of sound and sight will be announced shortly.

Grave Miasma:
The second edition of „Armageddon Descends‘‘ opens up the horizons and let some new winds into the festival – sacrifices will be made on two fronts. The main stage will present sounds of pestilence and chaos played by local and international black metal hordes, while the second scene will be dictated by the best extreme electronics artists of Lithuanian underground. We are honoured to present 4 artists joining our dark mass on the 1st of March - Lys, Girnų Giesmės, McKaras and Pogrom.

Lys existing over 10 years will enchant the festival with sound waves of massive drone/ambient. Girnu Giesmes will blast the festival with a more powerful than usual set of drone. Underground electronics guerilla McKaras will assault the festival with hails of sharp sounds of his martial noise/electronics. The most active local power electronics extremist Pogrom will execute the audience with harsh noise/power electronics.

We would also like to inform that there are two more black metal bands remaining to be announced.


Tickets: 50Lt/15 EU/60 zł
Underground activist brigade NEKROKATARSIS announce the last two bands which will crown this years ''Armageddon Descends II'' ritual. Czech black metal cult INFERNO and italian bestial act DEMONOMANCY.
Highly reknowed black metallers INFERNO were formed in 1996 and from that time on they have released 6 full length albums and a handfull of smaller releases. Over the years INFERNO have strongly evolved and developed from what one would call a straight-forward black metal band to a phenomena having its own uniquie musical style and imagery. Last year the act released their full-lenght album entitled ''Omniabsence Filled By His Greatness'' which proves that the band is worth all the words around them. Live perfomances of INFERNO could be described as a ritual, a trance of sound and visualisation. ''Armagedon Descends II'' will give the opportunity to witness INFERNO in all of it's glory.

This year the torch of raw black/death metal will be carried by the Italy based DEMONOMANCY. If one worships the cult of such bands as ARCHGOAT, BEHERIT or BLASPHEMOPHAGHER, then the bestial black metal of these italians will surely cause ones blood to boil. Although DEMONOMANCY formed quite recently and cannot bring of a lengthy discography to the table - they have already gained a name in the underground and eventually got recruited into the ranks of the cult black/death metal label NUCLEAR WAR NOW!. DEMONOMANCY performances are filled by sharp acts of filth and violence and the band in general is a true jewel amongst the underground scene!

We would like to remind everyone that the festival "Armageddon Descends II" will take place on the 1st of March at the club "Kablys". The whole show will be carried out in two stages - the main scene and the extreme electronics scene.

The final lineup:
main scene:
GRAVE MIASMA (UK) - occult death metal
INFERNO (CZ) - esoteric black metal
DEMONOMANCY (IT) - raw black/death metal
LUCTUS (LT) - black/thrash metal
NYKSTA (LT) - urban black metal

extreme electronics scene:
POGROM - noise/power electronics
MCKARAS - militaristic noise
LYS - drone/ambient
Armageddon Descends II
1st March 2014 – Club ‘’Kablys’’ (Kauno g. 5, Vilnius)
GRAVE MIASMA – occult death metal levitation (Great Britain)
Tickets: 50lt/15euro/60zl
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