"Dzenskrūves" otrās sezonas noslēgums
Otrajā gadā līdz 3.10.14. skaņu kapsētā izrakti sekojošie...


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Tātad - atrastās karadziesmas!

2. sezona 21.10.13.-3.10.14.
1.Blasphemium - The Plague
2.Dimmu Borgir - Bipartisan Apostasy
3.Zorakarer - Brethren Of The Oakthorn Vale
4.Atrexial - Nephilim
5.Frost Despair - Thrones of Human Power
6.Obsidian Gate - Becoming Iblis
7.Retribution - Opus Serpentis
8.NimphaioN - Possession
9.Lunae Ortus - Fall Of Heaven
10,Maleficentia - The Colour of Emptiness
11.Hegeroth - The Kings On Thrones
12.Ethereal (UK) - Unholy Ungodly
13.Antecantamentum - Sacramentum Tenebrarum
14.Diablery - Ichor Shrine Synagogue
15.Ghoulchapel - Purification Of Human Race
16.Hyperion - Syair Kegelapan
17.Ashes of Dagoth - Kagrenac's Greed
18.Putrid Parade - Infernal Blessing
19.First Dawn - The Redeeme
20.Retribution - Uinseann's Lullaby
21.Ira Diaboli - The Misanthrope The Traitor and The Ghost
22.Ethereal (UK) - Bloodstained Martyr
23.Anima Sementis - Ruins
24.Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy - Thy Sarcophagus
25.From Purgatory - Adoration Of The Idols
26.Dagor Dagorath - Panopticon
27.Glorior Belli - Wolves at My Door
28.North Black - Bow creature timber
29.In Silentio Noctis - Chapter I: The Pit
30.Obsidian Chamber - Hunger
31.Alghazanth - Lilium Letiferum
32.Cemeterial - Day will not come
33.Ered Wethrin - Into the Stars
34.Magor - Essence To The Oblivion
35.Nazgul Rising - Awake the ancient horde of the black twilight
36.Erimha - Metempsychosis
37.Medea - Light and Darkness
38.Selene Exortus - Your Darkest Side
39.Quintessence Mystica - The Infinite Dance of Numbers
40.Ceremonial Castings - The Great Old Ones
41.Sidious - Obscenity Ov Old
42.Shade Empire - Ruins
43.Tenebrarium - The Enigmatic Blackness
44.Frost Despair - Slaves to Superstition
45.Tremor- Venchanije Smertju
46.First Dawn - I Devastation
47.Divine Witchery - I Know Sorrow
48.Sidious - Insurmountable Mass
49.Alux - Nightmarish Gala
50.Embers Of Life - More Of Those Tears
51.Signs - Undivine Proposal
52.Wampyric Bloodlust - Winter III
53.Signatura Rerum - Apusul
54.Def/Light - Antikrist Tabor
55.Dimentria - Breakthrough
56.Sonus Mortis - The Cyber Construct
57.Majestic XII - The Lodge
58.Anthems - Dedication
59.First Dawn - To the Stars
60.Grailight - Homo Divinus
61.Godflesh Deformed - Under the Dying Sun
62.Interstellar Genocide - Prophecies of Armageddon
63.Quintessence Mystica - Creep & Damage
64.Ethereal Sin - Master's Prophecy
65.Natteskoge - In Chains Agony
Un albumi...

1. EMPEROR "In the Nightside Eclipse - 20th Anniversary Edition " (2014)
2. ENTHRONED "Sovereigns" (2014)
3. CASTEVET "Obsian" (2013)
4. ULCERATE "Vermis" (2013)
5. ENDEMISE "Far From the Light" (2013)
6. DEMONIC RESURRECTION - The Demon King (2014)
7. HECATE ENTHRONED "Virulent Rapture" (2013)
8. IMPETUOUS RITUAL "Unholy Congregation Of Hypocritical Ambivalence" (2014)
9. NOCTEM "Exilium" (2014)
10.BEHEMOTH "The Satanist" (2014)
11.NARJAHANAM "Wa Ma Khufiya Kana A'atham" (2013)
12.CRAVEN IDOL "Towards Eschaton" (2013)
13.LVCIFYRE "Svn Eater" (2014)
14.DEMONICAL "Darkness Unbound" (2013)
15.EMPYREAN THRONE "Demonseed" (2013)
16.NEXILVA "Eschatologies " (2014)
17.CORPSESSED "Abysmal Thresholds" (2014)
18.ASTROPHOBOS "Remnants of Forgotten Horrors" (2014)
19.OBSIDIAN CHAMBER "Der Uhrwerkmann" (2013)
20.ENBILULUGUGAL "Noizemongers For Goatserpent" (2013)
21.VYRE "The Initial Frontier Pt. 1" (2013)
22.CREPUSCLE - Draconian Winter (2014)
23.ETERNIUM "Repelling a Solar Giant" (2013)
24.A DISTANT CALM "Traits of a Saint" (2013)
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Laikam esmu baigi iesūnojis, jo no tām albuma grupām zinu tikai Emperor, Behemoth, Noctem un HECATE ENTHRONED (nemaz nezināju, ka šie vēljoprojām spēlē).
Ā, izrādās, ka to Vyre arī zinu un tas albums pat ļoti patika. Bet, redz, kaut kā ar laiku aizmirsās.
Ulcerate beidzamais likās švakāks par iepriekšējiem 2 albumiem. Tur bij jātur ausis vaļā!

Narjahanam daudziem kaut kā iepatīkas.

Pasakiet kāds, kas klausās Ered Wethrin, kur var novilkt — meklēju, bet kkā neatradu.
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