Atriebes tēma tekstos
Slayer - "Payback"
Exodus - "Blacklist"
Kāds varētu kaut ko līdzvērtīgu palīdzēt sazvejot? Paldies jau iepriekš...
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Venom - Vengeance
Cannibal Corpse - I will kill you -
Sentenced - Vengeance is Mine
Amon Amarth - Vengeance Is My Name
Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance
Cannibal Corpse - The Discipline of Revenge
Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance
Var jau pa brutālo:

bet nu jā, sanāk paskarbi: 2,371 entries :)
Runa jau nav tikai par nosaukumu, bet, kā tēma tekstos.
Bloodbath - You will cry my name :>
^^^ ja brutāli dziesmas nosaukumu neklē, tad pie Vengeance vēl jāpievieno revenge, retribution, retaliation u.c. sinonīmi...
Kā teica 2econd skin, vairāk meklēju trāpīgu tekstu - kā, piem., "The Way of All Excrement" Prostitute Disfigurement, "I Wish You Death" Aeon u.tml. Visiem paldies.
Dying Fetus - Homicidal Retribution
Skyforger - Melnais jātnieks :)
Kā tie kāpuši mūsu krastos, tā atriebt tiem braucam!!
"Type O Negative" - "Unsuccessfully Coping with the Natural Beauty of Infidelity", "Hey, Pete"
^ I know you're fucking someone else \m/
"You had cock on your mind
And cum on your breath
Inserted that diaphragm before you left
Practicing freelance gynecology
Where there's a womb there's a way
With you it's for free
I know you're fucking someone else
(He knows you're fucking someone else)"
Iced Earth - Vengeance Is Mine

Hear now this story of the man that should not be
A ghoul of blackened torment, sullen atrocity
A kindred soul to the devil’s own, malignance personified
Cast from his fire he molests the purest light

Profane to humanity, menaced by flesh and bone
Screams of the unknown youth to him the sweetest tone
Undying in his will to kill, his bloodlust is profound
For the blood of the lamb I’ve got to bring him down

For all the young lives you have slain
(Fear now you shall obtain)
Vengeance is mine
For every young one that has died
(Your psychopathic genocide)
Vengeance is mine

I shall do what the law won’t do, I can make the sacrifice
In the name of these bodies which held such precious life
Mine is not to ask forgiveness – this deed I’ve proudly done
Without God, without the devil – this time I have won

For all the young lives you have slain
(Fear now you shall obtain)
Vengeance is mine
For every young one that has died
(Your psychopathic genocide)
Vengeance is mine

For all the young lives you have slain
(Fear now you shall obtain)
Vengeance is mine
For every young one that has died
(Your psychopathic genocide)
Vengeance is mine
Devastation - Retribution (tiesa, tur tekstu ber tā, ka saklausīt grūti - bet tēmā der)

Victimless circumstance condemned by prejudice
Self-appointed jury concedes no innocence
Suffer of hate plots his vindictive ways
Death becomes imminent, life no longer is a game

Execution, endlessly
Choice of death, what will it be
The fatal conflict beckons thee
Retribution, set me free

Swift, rabid punishment for those who cause the pain
Vehement death vendetta from a man labeled insane
Slicing away his agony, morbid judgement has been passed
Ravager of solace smiles - the anguish now released

Determinating fury spreading death through the reign
Dallen remnats from a mind described as cynical through pain
Life's value extracted by an unrestricting grief
Inevitable fear unheard destroying silent screams

Retribution, set me free
Victim lies in dormancy
The fatal conflict has been fought
Endless struggle, death is sought

Justice is served in his mind but not in others
The law of degradation that cast their shadows seem despondent
Victim becomes victim in a system ran by lies
Pondering what he has done as they tape electrodes to his eyes
Insanity the final plea escape the tortured path
Remorses is inconceivableaccept the chosen path
Blind by hatred driven by a revengeful eye
No pleas, regrets, or penance seen, the time has to come to die

Choice of death, what will it be
Flick the switch to be free
No regrets, no final pleas
Retribution, killing me
Jāpiemet ar kādu melnu sēklu pie atriebes.
Pamanot šo tēmu uzreiz ienāca prātā šis:

DERANGED, ''Rated - x'', 1995

Black Semen Vengeance.

Semen demon, tickle my urethra
Squelching out my cesspool of semen
Repulsive to you it might seem
Possessed by the semen demon I am
Tickle, tickle my urethra
Demon climax I reach
Tickle, tickle my urethra
Demon climax I reach
Piercing deeper through your muggy cave
Your sloppy breasts keeps dashing into the razors
Unblushed the demon takes his share
His horns and claws shreds the virgin skin
I hail you demon of tickling climax semen
As I spit blood, semen and piss in your face
I hail you demon of tickling climax semen
As I spit blood, semen and piss in your face
Piercing deeper through your muggy cave
Your sloppy breasts keeps dashing into the razors
Unblushed the demon takes his share
His horns and claws shreds the virgin skin

Uzradās ziņkārīgs jautājums: a priekš kam tev tos tekstus vajag? :D :D :D
Pašās dziesmas beigās ir teikums, kurš, kā izrādās, nav iekļauts iekš ''lyrics'':
''... you will drink a black sperm of my Vengeance!!!''. Teikums pēc skaņas kvalitātes atgādina skaņu no palietotas videokasetes.
sākumā kaimiņieni tirdīju, pēcāk vienkārši iepatikās un plejlisti sāku veidot - kad uznāk dusma uz kādu idiotu, vienkārši nodrillē dažus gabalus un sāc smīnēt, palīdz tik labi, ka nevajag pat algotus slepkavas meklēt :)
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