es te taa pasedeju pie kompiisha un macijos cemetary gates basa partiju! un man ta ienaca prataa! vai kad no letinjiem ir meginajis shiem uztaisit koveru? vispaar ka audzeejs vislaik saka "KAAPEC VINJI IZJUKA?"
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Pantera izjuka, jo, pēc bundzinieka un ģitārista vārdiem spriežot, Fils Anselmo pameta šos, uzsākdams Superjoint Ritual, atstāja visu gaisā karājoties!
a tev vinji patiik? man vinji pedeja laikaa ljoti iet pie sirds
nu patiesiba es tev nepiekritishu beldegir... vinni izjuka ta apsveruma pec ka Filam vairak pie sirds gaja galja.. tapec pievienojas Superjoint Ritual ta apsveruma pec ka vinjim iztruka vokala speka.... patiesiba es domaju ka vinji ieguva vienu no labakajiem pasaules vokalistiem..... visu cienju Filam... ja un pareja apvieniga saka veidot atkal savu mulju.. luk un vienkarshi vinji pajuka personigas muzikalas gaules nsaskanju dej.... tapec vatu ieteikt nekad reperi nenjemt grupas... vinji visu saboja.. :D
Es tomer uzskatu Pantera par vienu no pasaules labakajam apvienibam... es nozeloju ka es piedzimu arak velu un netiku uz koncertu Maskava... ka pazinjas ir teikushi tas ir bijis pats lapakais kas jebkad ar vinniem ir noticis, jo koncertos no apvienibas nak tadas speks... paelpa aiziet ciet...
Sasodits kapec vinji izjuka? Vienmer uzdodot sho jautajum sev es dzilji sirdi saskumstu, un apzinos ka ta ir bijusi pasaules labaka apvieniba un diezvai vel no kadas mes sagaidisim to ko sanjemam no elles kovpojiem vai vulgara speka... :'(
amen! tu esi tascilveks kas atdzivinaja mani milestiibu pret galju un parejo! ta es butu black vel shodien klausijies :) tu esi ists draugs un tasvs teksts ir vienkatshi skaists
Man kaut kur bija noshu gramatinja no GID ar Cemetary gates, nu ar visiem gicham un bas partijam... nevaru atrast :(
2 KA4eP

:'( Zjeel gan, ka ir taada lieta kaa Guitar Pro 4, kur var dabuut gandriiz jebkuru dziesmu, kuru tu vari arii klausiities, vai kaut vai taadas vietas kaa vai metaltabs...
nu man ir jau cemetary gates preksh gp4! jau kaadu papraavu laiku!
Anselmo stāsts par Pantera un grupas izjukšanu:

In a lengthy interview published in the "Xmas 2004" issue of Metal Hammer magazine, ex-PANTERA/curent SUPERJOINT RITUAL frontman Philip Anselmo spoke extensively about the breakup of his previous band and the status of all of his musical projects, among many other topics. Several excerpts from the interview follow:

On Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul's claim that Philip left PANTERA without telling them he was leaving:

"Well, they have phones as well. And they weren't communicating with me. Their way of communication was through, so they would send their errand girl to call me up and see where my head was at. Now that was pretty offensive, so I didn't play that game, and time passed. And I don't let time pass, I have to do something, I can't sit on my ass and just do nothing, I have to do something, and it must be musical. When I don't use my gift I become defunct and I become clumsy and I become useless. It's a terrible feeling to be that vulnerable.

"When you use your gift, you're on top of the world. You feel worth something, you know? You feel that you've done something, and you have, you've created. I've done that with many, many, many bands on my own time, and I was always there whenever PANTERA called to do the next record, the next tour, whatever it took, and I was always 100% there."

On what went wrong with PANTERA:

"Through devotion to and scheduling with PANTERA, a lot of things got pushed to the side — and the incarnation of other great bands like DOWN which I was part of took a lot of time and whatnot. Everything has its turn, and when it was SUPERJOINT RITUAL's turn, I felt at the time that PANTERA had done its greatest tour we'd ever done, which was with SLAYER and MORBID ANGEL in the United States. We were in Ireland when the 9/11 terrorist attacks took place in New York. We were stuck there for seven or eight days and the tour was called off because of the turbulence. After that it seemed there was a great… distancing.

"I think, more or less, it lies between Dimebag and I. There was never a point when he could not get drunk. Which was pretty much every day. And now I'm hearing it's worse than ever.

"He would attack me, vocally. And just knowing that he was so much smaller than me I could kill him like a fuckin' piece of vapor, you know, he would turn into vapour — his chin would, at least, if I fuckin' smacked it. And he knows that. The world should know that. So physically, of course, he deserves to be beaten severely.

"But of course, that's criminal and I won't do such a thing… Really, I just let him prattle on. I grew very tired of it very quickly, and whenever it came up, like it has come up today, I just chose to wish them the best of luck. And in all honesty I really wish that they would be men, which is very hard for them, figuring that they were living in their mother's house until they're 30 years old. In comparison, I was on the street by choice at the age of 15, living anywhere I could — but living, and successfully living, through my will."

On what it was that caused his friendship with Dimebag Darrell to turn sour:

"I think that there's a lot inside of Darrell… from what I've seen of Dimebag in the past, he had some great tragedy in his family, and of course that's Vinnie's family as well. I don't think that they were ever given or ever allowed time to really heal from that. The anger and the hatred and the drunken nights of just screaming in my face, with me sitting there taking it and holding both of my hands just to not hit the guy… I grew weary of that. I was sick of being his whipping post, y'know, and I just politely, or unpolitely, excused myself.

"I think I proved clearly to everybody what I was in PANTERA! And what I was was a unique, unbelievably magnetic frontman that had not been around since the days of Robert Plant and Ozzy Osbourne. I am one in a million. . . I have staying power! I have a devoted following that would do anything for me! Anything that I say. And there's not many people that can say that, that are in my position.

"As far as their product that they put out [referring to DAMAGEPLAN — Ed.], our product that they put out, it was obvious that I was very much involved with arranging the songs, I was very much involved with the integrity of the songs. . . The integrity and the moulding of the songs, the creating, the putting together of the song. Y'know, it was my job to do the sequencing for the record, it was my job to lyrically stun the audience. And I think they failed on every account. And the world speaks for it."

"When you see a group of guys that are not hungry any more… Honestly, between me and the world now, in my heart of hearts I believe it hurt them more not to receive the money that they were going to get — that we were all going to get — for putting out that record, than me leaving the band. They always feared me. They always were different than me. They always had their circle of friends and I had my circle of friends. Their jealousy level was incredible! Y'know, anyone that was close to me outside the band would be treated like fucking serfs or servants by the Abbott brothers. And y'know, that never… that never… never worked very well for me."

On Dimebag's implication in interviews that Anselmo has returned to heroin:

"What a stupid man. What a shallow, stupid man. How would he know what I do? And by the way, I've been fucking bone-sober for three and a half years now. Anybody who has seen me on stage, anybody who has seen the shape of my body and the size of my arms, and the fucking burning desire in my eyes, knows that I am fuckin'… I drink four beers and I have a buzz now. Gimme a break. I couldn't even say that in my twenties."

On the possibility of a PANTERA reunion:

"It would take a lot of soul-searching. It would take a lot of negotiation. And we'll see. In the end, it's what's most important to the fans.

"That's the last time I'm ever — you can put this in your article — this is the last time I am ever talking about PANTERA."...
Ļoti žēl Dambega Derella! Viņš bija un būs viens no labākajiem ģitāristiem. Un Panteras arī vairāk nav! Tā bija Leģenda un viņš arī! žēl cilvēka! ...... rest i peace!
:( weeeee... vislaik kad izdzirdu vardu Dimebag sametaas skumji :( labs ir jauzliek Walk ta dziesma mani vienmer nomierina
pilnigi asaras norit kad saku par to domat..... kada jega to vajadzeja izdarit... vienkarshi m*****
pasaulee idiotu ir daudz, bet kaadeeļ tam vajadzeeja notikt ar Darellu, tieši tad kad viņš sāka jaunu posmu savā dzīvee. Īsi pirms naaves Dans Darels jeb kaa mees viņu paziistam Dimbega straadaaja pie jaunas stila bultas izveides par pamatu ņemot klasisko V- veida giču, klajaa taa naaktu šī gada nogalee, bet tagad taa vairs nebuus, jo viens idiots viņu nošāva un veel apgalvoja, ka netiišām
Shitas intervijas fragments smagi iedragaa Anselmo teelu manaas aciis, kaut par paraugzeenu jau neviens vinju nekad nav uzskatiijis. Bet te nu vinjsh atklaaj savu uzpuutiiga duraka dabu diezgan skaidri. tfu.
es tikko dc++ nejaushi uzduros video kur fils izsakas par dimmebag naavi! iesaku noskatities! saucas laikam Pantera - Phils Goodbye
haro6aja grupa moj respekt
Dimebag Darrell - Forever

Tas pats attiecas uz Dimebag Darrell vinnss bija mans miillaakais ggitaarists a Pantera viena no miillaakaam grupaam ehh zzeel
Labas ziņas Pantera faniem. Giču ņems rokās Zakk Wylde (OZZY OSBOURNE, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY) un pie bungām Charlie Benante (ANTHRAX). Gan jau uz mūsu kontinentu ar atbrauks, jāseko līdz.
Protams, šā bŗiža Fila pavadošā banda THE ILLEGALS, ko varēs iečekot jau drīz netālu no Jaromeras, uz Pantera lauriem būtība arī izbrauc, izpildot tās dziesmas. Bet nav tās pievienotās vērtības, ko dod tie leģendārie kadri uz paziņoto reunion.
Nu tā, droši vien laba daļa TM biedru ir lietas kursā, ka Pantera šobrīd ir turneja pa Eiropu. Līdz ar to būtu bijis grēks to neizmantot.
Šo sestdien (01.02.2025) bijām ar čomu uz Pantera konci Čehijā, Ostravā, iekš Ostravar aréna, kur nesen hokeja čempis bija, starpcitu. Ostrava paliela pilsēta (trešā lielākā) Čehijas austrumos, pie pašas Polijas robežas. Nu kādu stundu īsāks brauciens, kā līdz slavenajai Jaromer. Dzīvojām hotelī pie tūrisma objekta Bolt Tower (nejaucam ar britu Bolt Thrower :D), kas būtībā ir augsta metāla/ stikla konstrukcija uz domnas, kur ir kafūzis ar skatu torni. Un pamatā tam visam liels čuguna rūpnīcas komplekss ar milzu metāla blokiem, caurulēm, vadiem, viss tāds smuki rusty utt, nokvēpušām ķieģeļu sienām. Vārdsakot iespaidīgi. Industriāļiem, steampunkiem, šturmavikiem un tmldz. paradīze. Noteikti vērts apmeklēt.
Letiņus neredzējām, bet bija pilns slovāku sabraucis konkrētajā hotelī.
Iesildīja bandas no ASV Child Bite (punk metal) un Power Trip (crossover thrash/hc punk). Pēdējo sanāca paskatīties, bet kā ierasts, skaņa iesildītājiem dirsā, tāpēc nebija interese iedziļināties, bet noteikti iečekošanas vērtas žanra entuziastiem. Galu galā Pantera sūdus sev neņemtu par iesildītājiem. Un tad nāca VIŅI ! Skaņa tuvu perfektai, kaut brīžiem būtu gribējies Zakam giču drusku skaļāk. Veči bija samērā statiski, ko varētu skaidrot nu jau ar zolīdo vecumu. Jaunākajam dalībniekam Filam 56 !!! Pārējiem pa 60....62. Kā arī diezgan intensīvo tūres programmu. Taupa sevi. Zaks nespļaudījās.
Pirmo reizi no saviļņojuma acīs aš miklums sariesās I`m broken laikā, tik pacilāti tas bija. Ko drīzāk gan potencēja izdzertais n-tais alus daudzums, tā sacīt dzērāja sentiments :DDD
Uz lielā ekrāna paralēli translēja daudz video/foto arhīva par brāļiem Abbott`iem.
Te saraksts no : 1.A New Level 2. Mouth for War 3. Strength Beyond Strength 4. Becoming 5. I'm Broken 6.Suicide Note Pt. II 6. 5 Minutes Alone 7. This Love 8. Floods 9. Walk 10. Domination / Hollow 11.Cowboys From Hell 12. Fucking Hostile
Comeback ar vēl 3-4 dziesmām nebija. Kautktā aprāva, čau un uz redzēšanos. Drusku mazuma piegarša palika. Gaidīju arī Planet Caravan, ko viņi izpilda, starpcitu šai tūrē, bet nekā...
Jebkurā gadījumā kruts koncerts, ķeksis ievilkts. Varbūt notiks brīnums, Baltiju šie paķers kādā brīdī. Jo rādās, pieprasījums liels, stadioni un arēnas pilni jau trešo gadu pēc kārtas uz šo gadsimta reunion (kaut arī bez brāļiem)

Spiež uz 1992/1994. Man gan 1990-ais vislabāk patīk, kopā ar ''Par to mēs vairs nerunājam - nejau Power Metal mēs aizstāvējām...". 1994-am pirmā puse ļoti spēcīga, pēc tam gan šļura.

Power Trip jau sen zināms kavlitatīvs kolektīvs - pat nezināju, ka vēl aktivizē un končus mauc, jo no 2017.gada nav jaunu albumu
P.S. Ā, nuja, PT tak vokālists 2020.gadā ķelli nolika. Pirms pusotra gada tik jaunu paņēma
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