Beyond Fear
Beyond Fear ir nesen (pagājšgad) dibināta grupa, kuras līderis ir neviens cits kā apbrīnojamās balss īpašnieks Tim "Ripper" Owens. Nu tie ir parakstījuši līgumu ar SPV, un grasās ierakstīt albumu. Sekojošais teksts no :

"SPV is proud to announce the signing of BEYOND FEAR, the brand new hard-hitting metal outfit founded by current Iced Earth and former Judas Priest vocalist Tim "Ripper" Owens. The band is preparing to enter the studio to record their debut album for a 2006 release.

"It feels great to sign with SPV," Owens commented. "I have been with them for quite some time now with Iced Earth, so I know what they can do. It is always nice to have a label that makes you feel like family, and that's what SPV does for you!"

The band is off to a fast start, having recently announced their participation in a series of American dates with Savatage leader Jon Oliva (Jon Oliva's Pain) and Savatage axeman Chris Caffery. The tour kicks off on September 9, 2005 in Cleveland OH, with remaining dates pending.

Never one to sit still for long, Owens began forming BEYOND FEAR last year during breaks in the Iced Earth touring schedule. The band also features John Comprix on lead and rhythm guitar, Dennis Hayes (ex-Winters Bane) on bass, Dwane Bihary on rhythm guitar, and drummer Eric Elkins. "This band means a lot to me and I'm having the time of my life doing it," continued Owens. "It's fun when you finally get to do what you want. That being said, let's get this machine called BEYOND FEAR out there for the world to hear and see."

SPV Managing Director, Manfred Schuetz explains „Tim is one of the 5 best singer’s in Metal. He will deliver an album that will convince everyone. SPV is excited about the Worldwide commitment.”

Watch for album and touring updates on BEYOND FEAR coming soon!"

Varētu būt kaut kas garšīgs... :)

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Nu vopšem: albums ir gatavs, un nāks klajā maija sākumā. Sauksies acīmredzot tāpat kā grupa - Beyond Fear. Info var skatīties

Pirms kādas nedēļas pamanījos šo albumu nokačāt, un iespaids ir brīnumjauks. Kickass heavy metal, brīžiem vairāk uz kačīgo Jugulator pusi, brīžiem vairāk uz klasisku heavy/speed, viena dziesma diezgan atgādina arī Black Sabbath. Neskaitot pāris vājākus brīžus, kopumā slāna nepajokam. Īpaši izdevušās, manuprāt, ir dziesmas Scream Machine, Words of Wisdom, Your Time Has Come u.c. Par vokālu laikam nav vērts atsevišķi pieminēt - nevainojami. Ļoti ieteicams attiecīga stila mūzikas cienītājiem!
hmm nu ko paprovees ar
sakarīgs muzons. Tiesa, ārpus tās balss... nu... nekā arī īpaši nebija.
Šobrīd daudz priecīgāks esmu par:
Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime II (jau pats fakts, ka šis disks, atšķirībā no pēdējiem QR, nesūkā dirsu...)
Evergrey - Monday Morning Apocalypse
Daylight Dies - Dismantling Devotion (diezgan līdzīgs Opeth)
Benedictum - Uncreation (tāds visnotaļ skaists pavecomīgs heavy or glītu un mutīgu rudmati pie mikrofona :)
Angel Black - ST arī nav zemē metams...
Reizēm jau arī nevajag neko īpašu :)
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