Welcome to Astral Chat!
From Our Ultimate Reality: Astral Projection. Chapter 66, page 332.

No longer is it adequate, necessary or indeed desirable to rely
solely on psychics or channelled information for evidence of
Spiritual realities. Over the last few decades in particular Astral
Projection and "Out of Body Experiences", often known simply as
"OBE", have become increasingly more important at all levels in
pointing the way forward and thereby reconnecting mankind with
inner realities and destiny and purpose in life. Astral Projection
is also the best possible preparation for the next physical death,
which of course everyone will experience sooner or later. "Death"
is an event in the personal evolution of every person, and event
experienced a multitude of time, that should never be feared, being
the next stage of a joyous Spiritual journey on the return to Our
Creator, The Source, to God.

Those who can Astral project from their physical body in order to
explore the inner realms of reality, their next home, never fear
"death", knowing beyond any doubts whatsoever from first hand
experience that in reality the finality of so called "death" really
does not exist, and is in fact no more than a completely natural
transition from the dense, low vibration of Energy of the dense
physical world of matter, to a much higher Energy vibration and
correspondingly finer density of existence in the inner worlds, the
Astral and Spirit worlds. Again it should be mentioned at this
stage that the Astral and Spiritual worlds are not actually
"higher" relative to the physical world, but are in fact "inner"
dimensions with The Source, Our Creator, God at the very centre of
all creation at the very highest vibration of Energy.

"Death" not only no longer holds any sort of fear for people who
learn and engage in Astral Projection but indeed the situation
known as death usually becomes something to be embraced with
excitement and anticipation when the time arrives, and with it a
knowing beyond all doubt the true reality of the life of peace,
tranquillity and harmony awaiting beyond the confines of the
physical world.

In addition to Spiritual exploration, meetings with deceased
relatives and friends and for general information gathering, Astral
Projection is also extremely useful for many other valuable
purposes including for example healing and manifestation. Indeed an
entire book could be written on the profound benefits of Astral
Projection but by far the best way of discovering these profound
realities is by direct experience. Those who experience Astral
Projection and out of body experiences see and know the physical
world for what it really is, a temporal experience, and have a much
more profound understanding of the true meaning of life, usually
resulting in a complete re-evaluation and appraisal of individual
priorities and direction.

There is actually nothing at all new about Astral Projection, even
the most ancient cultures for example the ancient Egyptians and
many others were totally familiar with, and made maximum use of
these completely natural abilities. Many cultures, for example the
native American Shaman, still use Astral Projection extensively
today for many purposes benefiting their people.

There are many references, albeit in symbolic form to Astral
Projection in the books and bibles of the popular world religions.
Highly advanced, no longer visible ancient civilisations of
thousands of years ago used Astral Projection extensively to
manifest things required on Earth. Even very earliest humans of
hundreds of thousands of years ago at the very dawn of civilisation
were capable of Astral Projection, very often practiced by the
tribe shaman or "medicine man". Indeed, the entire tribe would
often participate in the Astral Projection process by drumming and
other methods and rituals designed to invoke the required altered
state for Astral Projection. It is now thought the paintings found
on the walls of caves around the world, many of which are very
similar indeed despite the vast distances separating them across
entire continents, are actually pictures depicting experiences of
Astral travel, and more importantly such depictions relate
important information bought back from the Astral worlds by the
shaman for the benefit of the tribe. However, as with so many inner
abilities such as clairvoyance, mankind has largely lost the
instinctive ability to Astral project due largely to the millennia
of ongoing creed, dogma and materialism.

So what exactly is Astral Projection? First of all it is most
important to keep in Mind that Astral Projection is an extremely
normal and natural ability of all human beings. Every time we
achieve a certain stage of sleep the Energy and Astral bodies are
automatically projected out of phase with the physical body, often
associated with rapid eye movement, abbreviated to "REM",
signifying the onset of a type of low level Astral Projection. Most
people who are untrained in remembering dreams and sleep activities
will have no recollection of this process.

The projection of the Astral Body during sleep and the various
modes of dreaming and of their implications will be discussed in
detail later in this book, but for now however suffice it to say
that Astral Projection is a completely natural human process, as
natural in fact as sleep itself. The main difference between Astral
Projection during sleep and Astral Projection in the usual meaning
of the term is in the latter case the process is carried out with
full conscious awareness and control. Rather than both Mind and
body being in the sleep state, with Astral Projection the body is
in the sleep state but the Mind is fully awake, aware and in
conscious control over the entire process; this then is the
fundamental basis of all Astral Projection. And Out of Body

As discussed earlier, humans fundamentally comprise three distinct
bodies; the physical body, the Astral Body and the Mental or Spirit
body. There is also an intermediate body effectively acting as an
"interface" or "transformer" between the physical and Astral
bodies, usually known as the Etheric or Energy Body. Under normal
circumstances most people are only aware of the existence of their
physical body, being entirely focussed on the five physical senses
of sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch, through which the three
dimensional world of matter is experienced. The inner much more
subtle bodies are always very much present however, albeit existing
beyond the range of the perception of the five physical senses.

We are all multi-dimensional beings, concurrently occupying
physical, Astral and Mental bodies, even though most people are
only aware of the physical body. Astral Projection is the
projection of Consciousness beyond the limitations of the five
physical senses in order to assume awareness and control of the
Astral Body with its own Astral senses, within the Astral planes.
Astral Projection is not actually projecting to the Astral plane as
such, because as humans we are already multi-dimensional beings,
continually and concurrently existing in the Astral and Spiritual
worlds at an infinite number of levels of Energy. Where we perceive
ourselves to "be" at any time is determined by at what level of
vibration of Energy our conscious awareness is focussed. Astral
Projection is therefore a projection of Consciousness beyond the
confines of the physical body, thus becoming consciously aware of
the Astral worlds thereby assuming control over the Astral Body
already residing there.

The Astral worlds are very real indeed, seeming much more solid and
real than the physical world, the physical world merely being a
very pale projection of these inner or more specifically inner
realities; an illusion that might seem very real, but is really
only "real" in accordance with and as perpetuated by the restricted
perception of the five mundane physical senses existing exclusively
to enable interaction with the physical world of matter. As
previously noted, Eastern traditions often refer to the physical
world of matter as "maya", illusion. It should also be noted that
although the Astral worlds appear to be much more solid, "real" and
vibrant than the physical world, the Astral worlds have been and
are still being created by the Minds of human beings in accordance
with recent experiences within the physical world, and the Astral
worlds are therefore in and of themselves not true reality, true
reality being our true home as immortal Spiritual beings in the
inner, inner world of Spirit. By comparison with the physical
world, the Astral worlds are, at the mid to inner levels a much
more pleasant place to be, with anything desired being instantly
created by the Mind without the need for money, work or any of the
other trappings of a physical existence.

Astral projectors, like those who have ...
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
often practiced by the
tribe shaman or "medicine man". Indeed, the entire tribe would
often participate in the Astral Projection process by drumming and
other methods and rituals designed to invoke the required altered
state for Astral Projection. It is now thought the paintings found
on the walls of caves around the world, many of which are very
similar indeed despite the vast distances separating them across
entire continents, are actually pictures depicting experiences of
Astral travel, and more importantly such depictions relate
important information bought back from the Astral worlds by the
shaman for the benefit of the tribe. However, as with so many inner
abilities such as clairvoyance, mankind has largely lost the
instinctive ability to Astral project due largely to the millennia
of ongoing creed, dogma and materialism.

So what exactly is Astral Projection? First of all it is most
important to keep in Mind that Astral Projection is an extremely
normal and natural ability of all human beings. Every time we
achieve a certain stage of sleep the Energy and Astral bodies are
automatically projected out of phase with the physical body, often
associated with rapid eye movement, abbreviated to "REM",
signifying the onset of a type of low level Astral Projection. Most
people who are untrained in remembering dreams and sleep activities
will have no recollection of this process.

The projection of the Astral Body during sleep and the various
modes of dreaming and of their implications will be discussed in
detail later in this book, but for now however suffice it to say
that Astral Projection is a completely natural human process, as
natural in fact as sleep itself. The main difference between Astral
Projection during sleep and Astral Projection in the usual meaning
of the term is in the latter case the process is carried out with
full conscious awareness and control. Rather than both Mind and
body being in the sleep state, with Astral Projection the body is
in the sleep state but the Mind is fully awake, aware and in
conscious control over the entire process; this then is the
fundamental basis of all Astral Projection. And Out of Body

As discussed earlier, humans fundamentally comprise three distinct
bodies; the physical body, the Astral Body and the Mental or Spirit
body. There is also an intermediate body effectively acting as an
"interface" or "transformer" between the physical and Astral
bodies, usually known as the Etheric or Energy Body. Under normal
circumstances most people are only aware of the existence of their
physical body, being entirely focussed on the five physical senses
of sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch, through which the three
dimensional world of matter is experienced. The inner much more
subtle bodies are always very much present however, albeit existing
beyond the range of the perception of the five physical senses.

We are all multi-dimensional beings, concurrently occupying
physical, Astral and Mental bodies, even though most people are
only aware of the physical body. Astral Projection is the
projection of Consciousness beyond the limitations of the five
physical senses in order to assume awareness and control of the
Astral Body with its own Astral senses, within the Astral planes.
Astral Projection is not actually projecting to the Astral plane as
such, because as humans we are already multi-dimensional beings,
continually and concurrently existing in the Astral and Spiritual
worlds at an infinite number of levels of Energy. Where we perceive
ourselves to "be" at any time is determined by at what level of
vibration of Energy our conscious awareness is focussed. Astral
Projection is therefore a projection of Consciousness beyond the
confines of the physical body, thus becoming consciously aware of
the Astral worlds thereby assuming control over the Astral Body
already residing there.

The Astral worlds are very real indeed, seeming much more solid and
real than the physical world, the physical world merely being a
very pale projection of these inner or more specifically inner
realities; an illusion that might seem very real, but is really
only "real" in accordance with and as perpetuated by the restricted
perception of the five mundane physical senses existing exclusively
to enable interaction with the physical world of matter. As
previously noted, Eastern traditions often refer to the physical
world of matter as "maya", illusion. It should also be noted that
although the Astral worlds appear to be much more solid, "real" and
vibrant than the physical world, the Astral worlds have been and
are still being created by the Minds of human beings in accordance
with recent experiences within the physical world, and the Astral
worlds are therefore in and of themselves not true reality, true
reality being our true home as immortal Spiritual beings in the
inner, inner world of Spirit. By comparison with the physical
world, the Astral worlds are, at the mid to inner levels a much
more pleasant place to be, with anything desired being instantly
created by the Mind without the need for money, work or any of the
other trappings of a physical existence.

Astral projectors, like those who have passed on after the
experience known as "death" do not find themselves in any some sort
intangible "dream world" but rather experience a very solid,
vibrant, intense environment where all senses seem greatly
magnified. The senses involved of course are the inner Astral
senses and not the five mundane physical senses so much taken for
granted in the physical world of matter. Thoughts can actually be
seen to take shape instantly and anything desired can be instantly
manifested by means of the powers of the imagination in the very
process of creation. This is also why the Astral worlds are known
as the "desire worlds" and the Astral Body known as the "desire

Everyone dwelling at any particular level of the Astral planes
exists at exactly the same level of Spiritual evolution, vibration
and density, and accordingly absolute peace and harmony prevails at
the mid-Astral worlds and inner. Of course in the lower Astral
worlds although everyone is also on the same level and of a like
Mind, character and personality, those worlds reflecting the people
living there can be anything but peaceful and harmonious, being a
direct reflection of the dark lives of those people while living on

In the peace and harmony of the mid to inner Astral worlds there is
no money, no factories or offices, no formal work, no bosses and no
formal leaders, everyone of their own freewill working together
harmoniously as Spirit for common causes. People living within the
Astral worlds still nevertheless retain their materialistic
perspective and earthly desires, the main reason they are still
living there, and it is not until these desires have been
completely recognised, satiated and purged, with material things
seen for the illusions and barriers to progress they really are,
can further progress be made to the inner vibrations and ever more
blissful conditions of the upper Astral and Mental worlds.

It is these human characteristics of the mid-Astral residents that
causes the mid-Astral worlds where many Astral projectors find
themselves to be very similar indeed in appearance to Earth, so
similar in fact that after the transition known as "death" many
people do not immediately become aware of the fact they have
"passed on". Similar houses, cars, trains, gardens, leisure,
entertainment and many other typical Earthly characteristics all
created by the desires human Mind over aeons of time, often as an
extension of their previous material lives on Earth, all being
represented within the Astral worlds. The Astral worlds were not
therefore created for humans, but rather by humans as a reflection
of what they believe life at that level should represent. This
applies to all levels and realms of the Astral worlds, and indeed
the Astral worlds of the beings of other planets are similarly
created according to their own particular worlds, environments and

Everyone upon passing over to the Astral worlds after physical
death will be attracted to the precise degree of vibration and
density of their own Astral body, character, beliefs, perceptions
and level of Spiritual development. It is very important to
remember however that all of these worlds, past, present and
future, still exist concurrently within the Universal continuum of
the Ether, The All, God. Unlike Earth however the Astral worlds
contain everything from the past, present or even the future as
relates to Earth time. This is one reason why the Astral worlds
often seem so much like the physical world that some people who
have passed on from Earth and why they often do not realise they
Eastern traditions often refer to the physical
world of matter as "maya", illusion. It should also be noted that
although the Astral worlds appear to be much more solid, "real" and
vibrant than the physical world, the Astral worlds have been and
are still being created by the Minds of human beings in accordance
with recent experiences within the physical world, and the Astral
worlds are therefore in and of themselves not true reality, true
reality being our true home as immortal Spiritual beings in the
inner, inner world of Spirit. By comparison with the physical
world, the Astral worlds are, at the mid to inner levels a much
more pleasant place to be, with anything desired being instantly
created by the Mind without the need for money, work or any of the
other trappings of a physical existence.

Astral projectors, like those who have passed on after the
experience known as "death" do not find themselves in any some sort
intangible "dream world" but rather experience a very solid,
vibrant, intense environment where all senses seem greatly
magnified. The senses involved of course are the inner Astral
senses and not the five mundane physical senses so much taken for
granted in the physical world of matter. Thoughts can actually be
seen to take shape instantly and anything desired can be instantly
manifested by means of the powers of the imagination in the very
process of creation. This is also why the Astral worlds are known
as the "desire worlds" and the Astral Body known as the "desire

Everyone dwelling at any particular level of the Astral planes
exists at exactly the same level of Spiritual evolution, vibration
and density, and accordingly absolute peace and harmony prevails at
the mid-Astral worlds and inner. Of course in the lower Astral
worlds although everyone is also on the same level and of a like
Mind, character and personality, those worlds reflecting the people
living there can be anything but peaceful and harmonious, being a
direct reflection of the dark lives of those people while living on

In the peace and harmony of the mid to inner Astral worlds there is
no money, no factories or offices, no formal work, no bosses and no
formal leaders, everyone of their own freewill working together
harmoniously as Spirit for common causes. People living within the
Astral worlds still nevertheless retain their materialistic
perspective and earthly desires, the main reason they are still
living there, and it is not until these desires have been
completely recognised, satiated and purged, with material things
seen for the illusions and barriers to progress they really are,
can further progress be made to the inner vibrations and ever more
blissful conditions of the upper Astral and Mental worlds.

It is these human characteristics of the mid-Astral residents that
causes the mid-Astral worlds where many Astral projectors find
themselves to be very similar indeed in appearance to Earth, so
similar in fact that after the transition known as "death" many
people do not immediately become aware of the fact they have
"passed on". Similar houses, cars, trains, gardens, leisure,
entertainment and many other typical Earthly characteristics all
created by the desires human Mind over aeons of time, often as an
extension of their previous material lives on Earth, all being
represented within the Astral worlds. The Astral worlds were not
therefore created for humans, but rather by humans as a reflection
of what they believe life at that level should represent. This
applies to all levels and realms of the Astral worlds, and indeed
the Astral worlds of the beings of other planets are similarly
created according to their own particular worlds, environments and

Everyone upon passing over to the Astral worlds after physical
death will be attracted to the precise degree of vibration and
density of their own Astral body, character, beliefs, perceptions
and level of Spiritual development. It is very important to
remember however that all of these worlds, past, present and
future, still exist concurrently within the Universal continuum of
the Ether, The All, God. Unlike Earth however the Astral worlds
contain everything from the past, present or even the future as
relates to Earth time. This is one reason why the Astral worlds
often seem so much like the physical world that some people who
have passed on from Earth and why they often do not realise they
have actually "died", often taking quite some time before they can
accept it. In addition to a familiar Earth-like environment and
people, the Astral worlds are inhabited by numerous entities and
beings who have never physically existed on Earth, including from
the past and future of Earth, and some who will even originate from
other planets in the physical Universe.

Within the Astral worlds a cause in the form of a thought will
immediately result in a corresponding effect whether it is
positive, neutral or negative. New residents and visitors very
quickly learn this important principle. The Astral projector should
always know and understand these laws before projecting otherwise
it is very easy indeed to become caught up in undesirable
situations that are in reality no more than the manifestation of
his or her own Mind. For example if the Astral projector is afraid
of meeting an "evil being" then he or she will upon projecting
probably come into contact with that very same evil being. The evil
being will however be merely a projection of the imagination and
accordingly not at all real but nevertheless seeming very real and
terrifying for those unprepared for such situations.

It is most important therefore within the Astral worlds for the
projector to maintain a passive state of Mind at all times but with
an air of mild curiosity. In this way everything will seem normal,
and opportunities to explore and learn will rapidly present
themselves quite naturally, very often by meeting other Astral
residents or quite likely a guide. The guide might be a personal
"Spirit guide" or one of numerous willing Astral guides who are
only too willing and able to help all Astral projectors. At the
final analysis however the best way to learn about the Astral
planes and the Universal laws prevailing there is to actually go
and gain experience at first hand; this is exactly what the
advanced intelligences of the inner realms are endeavouring to
bring about in this new era for mankind.

There are many aspects of Astral Projection and the Astral worlds
in general the projector will need to get used to very quickly
indeed. Travel is instantaneous; it is simply a matter of thinking
where you wish to go or who you wish to be with, and you will
instantly find yourself there simply by focussing on the
destination. Of course a projector needs to know where they wish to
go in the first place and this is where an Astral guide can be most
useful. Meeting deceased relatives, friends and others is very
straightforward assuming they are still dwelling at the same or
lower level of the Astral worlds. A person in a lower Astral world
cannot however project to a person in a inner Astral world due to
the higher vibrations existing there, vibrations that cannot be
tolerated by an Astral body of lower vibrations. By simply thinking
about the person, by visualising them and by desiring and creating
the intent to be with them as if you are already there, you will
instantly find yourself in the presence of that person.

All communication in the Astral worlds takes place by thought
transfer, and is therefore instantaneous. Such thought transfer can
be basic telepathic communication to the exchange of entire
packages of information in symbolic form including imagery. There
is no problem talking as on Earth with the "mouth" of your Astral
Body if that is what you wish to do, and indeed new arrivals within
the Astral might instinctively do, but nevertheless actual
communication is still carried out telepathically by words, images
or symbols over any distance, and therefore speaking as with a
physical mouth is superfluous.

Many people newly arriving in the Astral worlds will quite
understandably speak their mouth as a matter of habit, but this
still results in telepathic communication nevertheless, and they
quite soon realise that communication is by pure thought
transference and will learn to use that mode of communication.
Although telepathic communication can be performed a word or symbol
at a time, it is much more efficient, as the people of the Astral
worlds soon discover, to send entire "packages" of thoughts which
the recipient can absorb at will.
It is very important to
remember however that all of these worlds, past, present and
future, still exist concurrently within the Universal continuum of
the Ether, The All, God. Unlike Earth however the Astral worlds
contain everything from the past, present or even the future as
relates to Earth time. This is one reason why the Astral worlds
often seem so much like the physical world that some people who
have passed on from Earth and why they often do not realise they
have actually "died", often taking quite some time before they can
accept it. In addition to a familiar Earth-like environment and
people, the Astral worlds are inhabited by numerous entities and
beings who have never physically existed on Earth, including from
the past and future of Earth, and some who will even originate from
other planets in the physical Universe.

Within the Astral worlds a cause in the form of a thought will
immediately result in a corresponding effect whether it is
positive, neutral or negative. New residents and visitors very
quickly learn this important principle. The Astral projector should
always know and understand these laws before projecting otherwise
it is very easy indeed to become caught up in undesirable
situations that are in reality no more than the manifestation of
his or her own Mind. For example if the Astral projector is afraid
of meeting an "evil being" then he or she will upon projecting
probably come into contact with that very same evil being. The evil
being will however be merely a projection of the imagination and
accordingly not at all real but nevertheless seeming very real and
terrifying for those unprepared for such situations.

It is most important therefore within the Astral worlds for the
projector to maintain a passive state of Mind at all times but with
an air of mild curiosity. In this way everything will seem normal,
and opportunities to explore and learn will rapidly present
themselves quite naturally, very often by meeting other Astral
residents or quite likely a guide. The guide might be a personal
"Spirit guide" or one of numerous willing Astral guides who are
only too willing and able to help all Astral projectors. At the
final analysis however the best way to learn about the Astral
planes and the Universal laws prevailing there is to actually go
and gain experience at first hand; this is exactly what the
advanced intelligences of the inner realms are endeavouring to
bring about in this new era for mankind.

There are many aspects of Astral Projection and the Astral worlds
in general the projector will need to get used to very quickly
indeed. Travel is instantaneous; it is simply a matter of thinking
where you wish to go or who you wish to be with, and you will
instantly find yourself there simply by focussing on the
destination. Of course a projector needs to know where they wish to
go in the first place and this is where an Astral guide can be most
useful. Meeting deceased relatives, friends and others is very
straightforward assuming they are still dwelling at the same or
lower level of the Astral worlds. A person in a lower Astral world
cannot however project to a person in a inner Astral world due to
the higher vibrations existing there, vibrations that cannot be
tolerated by an Astral body of lower vibrations. By simply thinking
about the person, by visualising them and by desiring and creating
the intent to be with them as if you are already there, you will
instantly find yourself in the presence of that person.

All communication in the Astral worlds takes place by thought
transfer, and is therefore instantaneous. Such thought transfer can
be basic telepathic communication to the exchange of entire
packages of information in symbolic form including imagery. There
is no problem talking as on Earth with the "mouth" of your Astral
Body if that is what you wish to do, and indeed new arrivals within
the Astral might instinctively do, but nevertheless actual
communication is still carried out telepathically by words, images
or symbols over any distance, and therefore speaking as with a
physical mouth is superfluous.

Many people newly arriving in the Astral worlds will quite
understandably speak their mouth as a matter of habit, but this
still results in telepathic communication nevertheless, and they
quite soon realise that communication is by pure thought
transference and will learn to use that mode of communication.
Although telepathic communication can be performed a word or symbol
at a time, it is much more efficient, as the people of the Astral
worlds soon discover, to send entire "packages" of thoughts which
the recipient can absorb at will.

Is Astral Projection safe? Yes, absolutely. No actual harm can come
to an Astral projector. A question often asked is whether another
being can enter and take over the physical body of a projector
while the projector is still away from the physical body in the
Astral worlds. The answer to this is quite simply this situation
cannot occur any more than it can happen while experiencing normal
nightly sleep projections.

Another question often asked is whether it is possible to get
"stuck" in the Astral planes and not be able to return to the
physical body. Again there is no danger of this situation occurring
whatsoever. While still possessing a physical body a fine silver
cord, the Astral matrix, maintains a permanent connection between
the physical and Astral bodies, and this connection is only finally
severed at the point of physical death. In order to return to the
physical body it is only necessary to think about being actually
there at that moment and it will happen instantly regardless of
your Astral situation at the time.

There have numerous methods for achieving Astral Projection used
over the course of many thousands of years. Many methods taught in
modern books and elsewhere require very considerable practice,
discipline, willpower, patience, concentration, and very often even
a high degree of natural ability; many of these methods are often
for all practical purposes beyond the scope of most people as many
have already discovered.

Many if not most of the methods often described today are designed
to initially result in what is commonly known an "Out of Body
Experience" or "OBE". The terms Astral Projection and Out of Body
Experiences, often abbreviated to "OBE", are often confused or used
interchangeably. In fact Astral Projection and OBE properly
describe distinctly different situations. Astral Projection can be
defined as a projection of Consciousness beyond the confines of the
five physical senses to assume control of the Astral Body, the
Soul, which then becomes the principle centre of conscious
awareness and the vehicle of travel while interacting with the
Astral worlds. OBE can be best be defined as an "Etheric
projection", where the centre of Consciousness is projected away
from the physical body to the Etheric Body, also known as the
Energy Body. The Etheric or Energy Body is denser than the Astral
Body with correspondingly lower vibrations. An OBE therefore takes
place closer to the physical world. The Etheric plane is often
referred to as the "real-time zone", taking place close to the
physical world of space and time rather than within the Astral
realms beyond space and time. Although an OBE, an Etheric
projection appears to be taking place in the physical world itself,
the environment experienced during an OBE is actually a dense
reflection of the physical world within the Etheric plane, and
accordingly has many characteristics of the Astral plane of which
it is a lower vibration, higher density aspect, including, as most
people quickly realise, sensitivity to thoughts.

Thoughts can quickly cause what are often known as "reality
fluctuations" where familiar surroundings and objects can suddenly
appear, alter in appearance or even disappear completely. It is
quite possible and indeed common to convert an initial OBE to a
full Astral Projection simply by consciously raising the vibrations
of the Etheric Body. This can be accomplished by using the power of
the Mind to form the definite intent to transition to the Astral,
achieved for example by focussing on a particular Astral locale or
a particular person residing within the Astral worlds. An intent is
then formed to be at that locale or with the person, or by issuing
a definite statement in the form of a command in the present tense,
for example; " I am now in the presence of my grandfather", or,
assuming you have an Astral locale you are already familiar with;
"I am now at...and then the name of ...
Many people newly arriving in the Astral worlds will quite
understandably speak their mouth as a matter of habit, but this
still results in telepathic communication nevertheless, and they
quite soon realise that communication is by pure thought
transference and will learn to use that mode of communication.
Although telepathic communication can be performed a word or symbol
at a time, it is much more efficient, as the people of the Astral
worlds soon discover, to send entire "packages" of thoughts which
the recipient can absorb at will.

Is Astral Projection safe? Yes, absolutely. No actual harm can come
to an Astral projector. A question often asked is whether another
being can enter and take over the physical body of a projector
while the projector is still away from the physical body in the
Astral worlds. The answer to this is quite simply this situation
cannot occur any more than it can happen while experiencing normal
nightly sleep projections.

Another question often asked is whether it is possible to get
"stuck" in the Astral planes and not be able to return to the
physical body. Again there is no danger of this situation occurring
whatsoever. While still possessing a physical body a fine silver
cord, the Astral matrix, maintains a permanent connection between
the physical and Astral bodies, and this connection is only finally
severed at the point of physical death. In order to return to the
physical body it is only necessary to think about being actually
there at that moment and it will happen instantly regardless of
your Astral situation at the time.

There have numerous methods for achieving Astral Projection used
over the course of many thousands of years. Many methods taught in
modern books and elsewhere require very considerable practice,
discipline, willpower, patience, concentration, and very often even
a high degree of natural ability; many of these methods are often
for all practical purposes beyond the scope of most people as many
have already discovered.

Many if not most of the methods often described today are designed
to initially result in what is commonly known an "Out of Body
Experience" or "OBE". The terms Astral Projection and Out of Body
Experiences, often abbreviated to "OBE", are often confused or used
interchangeably. In fact Astral Projection and OBE properly
describe distinctly different situations. Astral Projection can be
defined as a projection of Consciousness beyond the confines of the
five physical senses to assume control of the Astral Body, the
Soul, which then becomes the principle centre of conscious
awareness and the vehicle of travel while interacting with the
Astral worlds. OBE can be best be defined as an "Etheric
projection", where the centre of Consciousness is projected away
from the physical body to the Etheric Body, also known as the
Energy Body. The Etheric or Energy Body is denser than the Astral
Body with correspondingly lower vibrations. An OBE therefore takes
place closer to the physical world. The Etheric plane is often
referred to as the "real-time zone", taking place close to the
physical world of space and time rather than within the Astral
realms beyond space and time. Although an OBE, an Etheric
projection appears to be taking place in the physical world itself,
the environment experienced during an OBE is actually a dense
reflection of the physical world within the Etheric plane, and
accordingly has many characteristics of the Astral plane of which
it is a lower vibration, higher density aspect, including, as most
people quickly realise, sensitivity to thoughts.

Thoughts can quickly cause what are often known as "reality
fluctuations" where familiar surroundings and objects can suddenly
appear, alter in appearance or even disappear completely. It is
quite possible and indeed common to convert an initial OBE to a
full Astral Projection simply by consciously raising the vibrations
of the Etheric Body. This can be accomplished by using the power of
the Mind to form the definite intent to transition to the Astral,
achieved for example by focussing on a particular Astral locale or
a particular person residing within the Astral worlds. An intent is
then formed to be at that locale or with the person, or by issuing
a definite statement in the form of a command in the present tense,
for example; " I am now in the presence of my grandfather", or,
assuming you have an Astral locale you are already familiar with;
"I am now at...and then the name of the locale".

Astral Projection and OBE methods like all inner abilities require
long-term commitment and practice. It is no good approaching these
things in a less than committed way or as some sort of novelty.
Everyone can succeed with Astral Projection or OBE, but the Mindset
for success must be absolute, regardless of how long it takes.
Likewise, the desire for Spiritual exploration must be absolute and
most importantly for all the right reasons, reasons you will for
example find in this book. Your Mind, and in particular
subconscious Mind should so programmed to succeed with Astral
Projection and OBE that it becomes an integral part of your psyche.
The more you desire to experience these abilities the more likely
you are to succeed, and the sooner you are likely to succeed.

As with most abilities, regular and dedicated practice makes
perfect; it is not good enough to simply practice for just a
minutes for a few nights and give up if there is no success; like
most things, success will come to those who persevere. Therefore
before embarking on these important objectives, take time to make a
full intellectual and emotional commitment, together with the
resolve to succeed. The profound benefits for those who do so will
more than justify such commitment and resolve, and the experiences
will become increasingly more frequent and profound as time

Our Ultimate Reality describes the three best methods each for
Astral Projection and OBE in the next chapters.

Best regards,

Adrian Cooper
Astral Pulse.

11 Cronk Drean, Douglas, IM

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I am now in the presence of my grandfather", or,
assuming you have an Astral locale you are already familiar with;
"I am now at...and then the name of the locale".

Astral Projection and OBE methods like all inner abilities require
long-term commitment and practice. It is no good approaching these
things in a less than committed way or as some sort of novelty.
Everyone can succeed with Astral Projection or OBE, but the Mindset
for success must be absolute, regardless of how long it takes.
Likewise, the desire for Spiritual exploration must be absolute and
most importantly for all the right reasons, reasons you will for
example find in this book. Your Mind, and in particular
subconscious Mind should so programmed to succeed with Astral
Projection and OBE that it becomes an integral part of your psyche.
The more you desire to experience these abilities the more likely
you are to succeed, and the sooner you are likely to succeed.

As with most abilities, regular and dedicated practice makes
perfect; it is not good enough to simply practice for just a
minutes for a few nights and give up if there is no success; like
most things, success will come to those who persevere. Therefore
before embarking on these important objectives, take time to make a
full intellectual and emotional commitment, together with the
resolve to succeed. The profound benefits for those who do so will
more than justify such commitment and resolve, and the experiences
will become increasingly more frequent and profound as time

Our Ultimate Reality describes the three best methods each for
Astral Projection and OBE in the next chapters.

Best regards,

Adrian Cooper
Astral Pulse.

11 Cronk Drean, Douglas, IM

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kameer shito izlasa vecs var palikt:)
jau paliki? >:)
(tas ir spams, NELASIET!)
vai ta kāds lasa?
kā futbols beidzās? >:)
neviens neatceras, ibiopmanjana
nefolk, zajebal
un jega kada?
shim visam murgojumam!
tu tiešām gribi zināt?
klau ,ko zajebal ,ja nu 'sajos 5 postos ir visa t'a dz'ives j'ega & esence - vair'ak ,nek'a tu jebkad sp'etu izlas'it gudr'as gr'amat'as un v'el gudr'akos met'alistu forumos ?ja nu ar 's'i palaga izlas'i'sanu tev pietiktu visai atliku'sajai dz'ivei un p'ec tam neko vairs nevajadz'etu vairs las'it ,jo tu visu t'apat -tur -uz plan'et'am uzzin'atu ???ja nu tas ,kas tev tikai 's'kiet ,patie's'am nemaz nav ?vai esi jelkad izm'e'gin'ajis astr'alo projekciju ?varb'ut t'ak'a b'utu pats p'ed'ejais laiks to dar'it? tu ta'cu lieliski zini ,ka met'als ,alus ,cigaretes un meitenes (pui'si) nevar vien sniegt atbildes uz visiem jaut'ajumiem!!! t'ad'el sa'nemies ,met'alist un piespiedies izlas'it 'so bezj'edz'igo spamu ?un nekad nesaki nekad !nekad.
astern traditions often refer to the physical
world of matter as "maya", illusion. It should also be noted that
although the Astral worlds appear to be much more solid, "real" and
vibrant than the physical world, the Astral worlds have been and
are still being created by the Minds of human beings in accordance
with recent experiences within the physical world, and the Astral
worlds are therefore in and of themselves not true reality, true
reality being our true home as immortal Spiritual beings in the
inner, inner world of Spirit. By comparison with the physical
world, the Astral worlds are, at the mid to inner levels a much
more pleasant place to be, with anything desired being instantly
created by the Mind without the need for money, work or any of the
other trappings of a physical existence.
dzīves jēga ir apņemt burvīgu sievu, uzcirst dēlu, uzcelt māju un bļin nosist čūsku..
jā un nauda pāri visam..
un Alus vienmēr pietiekamā daudzumā!
varētu mēģināt brūvēt pats, tad nebūs jāuztraucas
Ja ir nauda pāri visam biezā slānī,tad droši.
īsti to tehnoloģiju nezinu, bet man liekas ka sanāk lētāk nekā veikalā pirkt
Es vienbrīd biju baigi aizlasījies tais astrālajos brīnumos, un jāsaka, ka baigi inči. Savu devu garīgajā izaugsmē esmu iesmēlis. Katrā ziņā, manuprāt, daudz noderīgāka lasāmviela nekā kautkādas ubergudro profesoru peremudrītās samazgas.
klau vai nē, taču vai Tev nešķiet, ka, ja mani tas interesētu, es šo visu būtu jau pats atradis un izlasījis? toties nu, apskatoties šo visai haotisko samesto tekstu (izskata ziņā) un, kad līdz manām ausīm aizplūdīs vārdu salikums astrālās projekcijas, dekoratīvās erekcijas, pazemes cirkulaarie ūdens netransformālie poligoniņi vai kas tikpat astrāls-nereāls, man tūdaliņ atausīs atmiņā, ka tas saistīts ar ko nepatīkamu, bet ar ko tieši - neatcerēšos, jo būšu jau sen aizmirsis. tik vien kā paliks informācija, ka nē, labāk ne.

faktiski Tavs centiens izglītot tautu būs izraisījis pretējo efektu tam `ja nu...`. bet varbūt nocitē kādu grāmatu? un neaizmirsti arī saturu iebliezt, savādāk nevarēs orientēties. forums kā reiz tam ir paredzēts!
Klau, tas viss ir tīrākā improvizācija, un nebūt ne uz tevi vienu vērsta, Lielais Uga. Kad es rakstu "tu", tev nav jālasa "es", bet "jūs visi". Mazāk nopietnības un vairāk astrālā dzīvesprieka! Vai tik nebūsi pārāk svarīgs palicis, Māriņ?

Nu ba - Fauns ielika linku, es aizgāju, pierakstījos un saņēmu ņūzleteru. Nu, padalījos, gan jau kādam vēl interesē...

So what exactly is Astral Projection? First of all it is most
important to keep in Mind that Astral Projection is an extremely
normal and natural ability of all human beings. Every time we
achieve a certain stage of sleep the Energy and Astral bodies are
automatically projected out of phase with the physical body, often
associated with rapid eye movement, abbreviated to "REM",
signifying the onset of a type of low level Astral Projection. Most
people who are untrained in remembering dreams and sleep activities
will have no recollection of this process.
Smiekli nāk - metālists aizraujas ar astrālo projekciju. Tas ir tikpat smieklīgi, kā ja metālists aizrautos ar harē krišna (piemēram, es).
A kas tur smieklīgs?
Es varbūt esmu musulmanis....
Nu manā gadienā tas ir nedaudz pretrunīgi, tā kā metāls ir zemākas vibrācijas, bet reliģijas mērķis ir pacelties uz visaugstākajām vibrācijām un galu galā atbrīvoties no jebkādām materiālām vibrācijām. Tā kā es dzīvoju dubultu dzīvi vai arī dubultā dzīves uztverē. Kā Slayer solists, kurš esot kristietis.
ja kad ņirgajošā kontekstā tiek pieminēta kada cita tautība, kas sniedzas tālāk par mūsu robežām, iekš TM parādās tēmas kā "izraēļu metāls", personīgi es nezinu nevienu musulmaņu metala komandu :) ( kamoon tikai netaisiet jaunu tēmu, var taču arī parunāt par mūziku.
Kas attiecas uz real musulmaņiem, tad, cik zinu, viņiem ir liegta mūzika, dejas un izpriecas.
ņā - svarīgs esmu gan, nu jau vairāk pa 100kg. bet viens otrs, dabūjis licensi spamošanai, gan te bīdās svarīgs
Nepārdzīvo, Asstrālā tavs svars nav no svara...
galvenais ka dzershanu neaizliedz...
Par tām vibrācijām - svarīgākais, lai vibrē, vienalga - vai zemu vai augstu.
[Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.
Every sperm is wanted.
Every sperm is good.
Every sperm is needed
In your neighbourhood.]
(kas par ģeniālu, lipīgu dziesmiņu:))
Idiot Compassion and Sentimental Grief
More Inspiration Solutions

Adapted from The Practice of Happiness by Mirko Fryba (Shambhala, 1995).

You’ve just had your appendix removed and a friend shows up at your hospital bed and begins to cry, saying, “This reminds me of when I had my appendix out when I was seven. Oh it was so hard!” and you expend the last of your precious healing energy trying to make them feel better. Or maybe you know someone who buys vodka for their alcoholic husband, saying, “But I really understand! I have so much compassion for him!”

Simple Solution:
printer friendly version

On the one hand, it’s sentimental grief, and on the other, idiot compassion. Find out more about these two enemies true compassion, here:

A person who fails to note that he projects his own problems onto people who are suffering is incapable of providing effective help and can, moreover, easily drift into sentimental grief. For this reason it is necessary to make a clear distinction between our own situation and our own mental ecosystem on the one hand and the situation of a person we want to help on the other. Only then is sympathy and empathic understanding possible. When, reality-anchored and from a reliable subjective basis, we thoroughly apprehend the situation of the other, no despondency resulting from identifying with that other is possible.

Foolish helping, or, as some Buddhists call it, idiot compassion, is another distortion of true compassion. Through this we make it easier to get entangled in activities that will cause still further suffering. This is the case, for example, when we give alcohol or drugs to an addict, or cover for a criminal instead of confronting him with his situation. Such foolish help simply makes it harder for the suffering person to break out of the vicious circle of his suffering. Many "helpful measures" taken by people are foolish; the only function they serve is that of an alibi, by covering up guilt feelings and providing a distraction from the actual problems. Genuine compassion and understanding thoroughly and undistorted apprehends reality as it is.

Shop for Supplies:

The Practice of Happiness
Exercises and techniques for developing mindfulness, wisdom, and joy.

Links to Resources and Articles:

Shambhala - Shambhala specializes in books that present creative and conscious ways of transforming the individual, the society, and the planet. The notion of translating spiritual insight into action in the world is embodied in the company's name: "Shambhala" is a legendary Central Asian kingdom that symbolizes an enlightened way of life harmonizing the inner and outer worlds. Thus, the Shambhala worldview enables us to publish in a wide variety of subject areas, including psychology and the sciences, the arts and creativity, business and economics, and health and healing.
"personīgi es nezinu nevienu musulmaņu metala"
nezinu vai vini ir musulmani, bet uz to pusi - Orphaned Land!
Orphaned Land bija jūdaisti
par juudaistiemm - kaa man garsho melechesh,mmm. vinji gan pret juudiem, bet izraeelieshi, ha
par juudaistiemm - kaa man garsho melechesh,mmm. vinji gan pret juudiem, bet izraeelieshi, ha
kaa man garsho melechesh,mmm. vinji gan pret juudiem, bet izraeelieshi, ha
bla, nu ko tu te nes, melechesh nav neviena ebreja - cik atceros, viens amerikānis, viens krievs, viens spānis vai.. nu kaut kas tāds, zinu no drošticamiem avotiem, labāk pamēģini GRIMOIRE ir tāds šildermetāls :DD
ā nu ja tāda jau doma, sorry, bet melechesh neesmu sen dzirdējis, ko labu variet ieteikt?
Ebreji ir tādi paši cilvēki, kā mēs visi, tikai labāki.
visas rases un tautības vienādi labas, Tu mans mazais kakainais un mīzuļojošais aborigēn un nēģeri
tā jau var pats sev prātu sajāt, bla...
man patika tā vieta mūmijā, kur monstrijs izdzirdis idišu tā O! Language of the Slaves - šits man noderēs
Man baigi iegrieza Bluudija meistarstikjis ar "Nav sliktu rajonu - ir tikai slikta ādas krāsa..."
vakar nosmeejos savas reizes 3. Tagad veel kopeejot paiideeju atnjirgtiem zobiem.
Ir jau ir Melechesh izraeelji. Metaala arhiivos taa rakstiits. Jaunaakais, kas ir dzirdeets ir Sphinx(2003, ja nemaldos). Taads patiikams, gan tehnisks, gan arii augsta maakslinieciskaa kvalitaate. Man jau liekas, ka liidziigs Lykathea Aflame (cik nu shameejie dzirdeeti).
man nav ne jausmas kur
redzi, man 16 gadu vecumā bija divas IRC draudzenes no Izraēlas - māsas, vot un viņas ar tiem Melecheshiem kopā tusēja un pēc tam man visu nospamoja. Un doma tāda, ka tur visi bija imigranti, neviena ebreja, nu bet jautri čuvaki tik un tā, to ka krievs un amerikānis bija to es toč atceros
bla es gribēju rakstīt 1996. gadā
nu, vinju maajas lapaa nav nekas par to rakstiits. mjaaa, bet taa vareetu buut. tas staasts par izraeelieteem bij jau zinaams:)

kamēr izslasīsi, visu manu mūzikas kolkciju var noklausīties..
labāk ejiet mācīties un/vai strādāt, nekā stradatj tut hujņoj!
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