Ir tādas ziņas par Decapitated:

Update: DECAPITATED Vocalist, Drummer Injured In Road Crash - Oct. 30, 2007
DECAPITATED's record label, Earache Records, has released the following statement:

"Two members of DECAPITATED have been seriously injured in a road accident involving their tour bus and a truck carrying wood in Gomel, on the Russia/Belarus border.

"Vocalist Covan and drummer Vitek sustained serious head injuries as a result of the accident, and are to be taken 550km from Gomel to Moscow for emergency treatment.

"All other members of the touring party are not reported to be seriously hurt.

"Our thoughts are with all members of the tour at this time."

DECAPITATED issued a limited-edition version of their classic debut "Winds of Creation" on October 8 featuring a bonus DVD containing a full live show filmed in Nottingham on December 20, 2004 with original vocalist Sauron.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Es jau vakar šito ziņu iepostēju pie koncerta komentāriem...

Vēl no foruma:

"Russian sources also claim that Covan and Vitek need (immediate) neuro-surgery, so the question is not whether they'll ever be able to play music again - the question is whether they'll survive or not."

Sūdīgi, bļe.
Tāds, laikam, to mūziķu liktenis - braukāt apkārt un sisties nost.
Skumji. Lai veseļojas džeki.
Mjaa.. Luuk jums Rossijskaja Doroga - semj izgibov na verstu...
ble sudigi. pavisam sudigi
Krievijā nav ceļu,tur ir virzieni...:(
Tas baļķvedējs jau gan bija Gomeļā - Baltkrievijā. Varētu izdomāt kādu sazvērestības teoriju - baltkrieviem ar poļiem droši vien vecumvecas teritoriālas pretenzijas...
No Hmeļņicka laikiem....:)

"DECAPITATED - Update On Band Members Situation Following Road Crash
Posted on Thursday, November 01, 2007 at 11:34:09 EST

The following is a statement from a member of DECAPITATED vocalist Covan's family, via former bassist Martin, with regards to the band members situation following the bus crash in Russia earlier this week:

"Covan and Vitek are still at the hospital in Novozybkov, Russia, where they were taken to following the accident. Despite the rumors, they are not in Moscow.

Their families are currently trying to decide the best possible city and hospital to take them to next for additional medical attention.

Covan is showing some progress, but unfortunately, there has been no signs of improvement in Vitek's condition. The families of Covan and Vitek appreciate everyone's concern on the matter, but please do not spread any more uncomfirmed rumors or information on the internet. More details will soon be released.""
Pēc neoficiālām ziņām, Vitek ir nomiris :(
death metal
starpcitu peec zveeraa festa viena hc grupa tachu arii baltkrievijaa apsitaas turpinot tuuri.
Laikam ir oficiāli.

"Drummer Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka of the Polish extreme metal band DECAPITATED passed away in a Russian hospital from injuries sustained in a recent road collision. He was 23 years old.

Vitek and DECAPITATED singer Covan (real name: Adrian Kowanek) were injured in an accident earlier in the week involving DECAPITATED's tour bus and a truck carrying wood in Gomel, on the Russia/Belarus border. Both musicians reportedly sustained serious head injuries in the collision, which is believed to have been the fault of the band's driver (although this has not yet been officially confirmed).

According to the Polish Internet portal, Vitek underwent trepanation, a form of surgery in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the skull, and was due to be transported to a hospital in Krakow, Poland for further treatment.

Covan's family released a statement yesterday (Thursday, November 1) that the vocalist's condition had improved. At the time, the vocalist was still said to be at a hospital in Novozybkov, Russia, where he and Vitek were taken following the accident."

Kārtējā skumjā diena metāla pasaulē :(

njā žēl gan
agri sāka, agri pabeidza. Moš, kad tik jauni slaveni kļuva, nopārdeva kādu dvēseli ne tam labajam.. tagad jāsamaksā rēķini.. ;)
Skumjš fakts... bet neko darīt...
Tādus kā fauns vajadzētu decapitate.
nav ko teikt, baigi baigi žel. :(
Tādus kā MacCybex vajadzētu izglītot. Tu nezināji, ka nāve ir pilnīgi normāla parādība ar kuru cilvēce sadzīvo jau ne pirmo gadu tūkstoti? Ja džekam laiks doties, tad laiks doties. Ja tev šams bija tik dikti mīļs, tad uzleic visus Decapitated albumus pēc kārtas, paķer kādu visīti un izrādi cieņu aizgājušajiem kā pieklājas, nevis pieprasi no citiem asaras! Es par aizgājušajiem neskābstu. Es viņus dažreiz pat apskaužu, jo viņi var atpūsties no lohatroniem, kam veselīga dzīves uztvere ir sveša.
saasodīts tikai ne to :(:( tik briesmīgi ... laikam iznāca būt vienā no pēdējiem koncertiem,
Sanāca gan, jā.
Tiešām žēl, ka tā :(
to Fauns:
Tevi pašu vajadzētu iemācīt kā pieklaigi uzvesties, bet vecāki laikam to nav izdarījuši.
Vairs neatbildēšu.
ņjā.. uz necilu melnā humora jociņu tu man izsaki personisku apvainojumu un pēc tam vēl izrādās, ka es neprotu uzvesties. Tā jau ir, ka to akmeni pirmais met tas, kurš ir bez grēka, laikam...
Eniivej.Bungjieris tikai truuka,Beertons ar Dimebagu vinju maacees sagaidiit...:/
jā man šķiet ka pie šādām tēmam gan nevajadzētu dirsties
"DECAPITATED To Continue, Guitarist Seeking Drummer And Vocalist
Posted on Monday, March 09, 2009 at 03:00:56 EST

DECAPITATED guitarist Vogg has issued the following announcement:

"Hello everyone,

I was thinking about that for a long time and it’s really hard decision for me, but I have decided to continue this band and keep Decapitated alive. I know it will be not the same anymore but I want to try and I’m sure Witek and Covan will support me and will be happy about that

So I want to say that, if anybody from drummers and vocalists feel that they can continue what Witek and Covan did and put all power, energy and live time for this band contact me at

Everyone who is interested, please prepare this tracks: 'Day 69', 'Post Organic', 'Invisible Control', 'Long Desired Dementia' - and send it as audiovideo format."

hmmm ... nu redzēsim kas sanāks tālāk, lai arī pēdējais albis ar visiem šitiem day 69 man gan nepatika, bet lai to noliktu kā galīgu š.... man vēlreiz tas jāpaklausās. Bet iepriekšējie bij spēks. Atceros kā savulaik uz riņķi laidu Negation albi m/
Lai jau veicas ... Kā teica Mauzeris - Poļu desu izstrādājumi rullē m/
laba veests!
Poļu TV sižets. Vairāk kā 4 gadi ir pagājuši kopš traģiskās avārijas, un Adrian "Covan" Kowanek, bijušais Decapitated vokālists ir no komas atmodies, bet acīmredzami smadzenes ir cietušas nelabojamus bojājumus :(
(video ir arī subtitri angliski - spiest apakšā uz CC)

Sasodīti bēdīgi, bet nu tā dzīvē gadās, ko padarīsi.
Bļa, tfu, nah, ieraugot tēmu jau sabijos, ka atkal kaut kādi sūdi atgadījušies.

Par video - protams, jācer uz labāko, bet nu diez kas nav. :/
Noklausoties sižeta oriģinālversiju poļu valodā, secināju, ka pat 15 000 PLN ikmēneša izdevumi rehabilitācijai nekādu lielo garantiju vai cerību nedod. Lai gan progress ir.
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