RU prezidents - metaļuga
Jā gan.
OK, tiem, kas nezina - Putins ir nosaucis savu pēcteci RU prezidenta amatā, savu pašreizējo vietnieku Medvedevu.

Bet ko raksta Independant?

Hard rock fan with close links to Kremlin

* In a country where CEOs are often in their twenties and billionaires in their thirties, Russia's probable next president is also young for the job – Dmitry Medvedev is just 42. Quietly spoken and a good deal shorter than the diminutive Vladimir Putin, Mr Medvedev is not a charismatic politician. But those who know him say he is hardworking, loyal and able to win the trust and backing of those he works with. He is also – reportedly – a fan of hard rock, including Deep Purple and Black Sabbath.

Nav slikti :) Black Sabbath fans buus prezidents vienā no lielvarām :)
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Wow! tas noteikti uzlabos mūsu kaimiņattiecības.
Jāsaliek tikai mums arī metaļori augstaākajos amatos :D
Ā, pag, Godmanim tak arī hārdroks tīk.
Šeit ir vēl smieklīgākais variants:

Heavy Metal Fanatic To Succeed PUTIN As Rusian Leader? - Dec. 10, 2007
Russia's RIA Novosti reports: The man backed by Vladimir Putin for next year's presidential election is a heavy-metal-loving 42-year-old whose surname comes from the Russian word for 'bear'.

First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was nominated by the ruling United Russia party and three other smaller pro-Kremlin parties on Monday afternoon. President Putin later said on national television: "I have known Dmitry Medvedev well for over 17 years, and I completely and fully support his candidature."

The man who may well become leader of the largest nation on Earth said he had spent much of his youth compiling cassettes of popular Western groups, "Endlessly making copies of BLACK SABBATH, LED ZEPPELIN and DEEP PURPLE."

All these groups were on state-issued blacklists during Medvedev's Soviet-era schooldays.

"The quality was awful, but my interest colossal," he said.

Medvedev went on to boast of his collection of DEEP PURPLE LPs, saying that he had searched for the albums for many years.

"Not reissues, but the original albums," he added, concluding that, "If you set yourself a goal you can achieve it."

Read more RIA Novosti.
Nu Godmans taču ir metālists :)
zatlers ir bundzinieks :)
Yeah, Godmans ir saveejais chomaks!
yeah, manu komentaaru suutiija 2 minuutes.
laiks iet, bet tradiicijas nemainaas!
nu žēl ka nav: surname cames from russian word "beer". lācis te ņipričom. neviens nezinātu ka viņi dirš :D

bet ziņa ir garu pacilājoša, nu tik sāksies! XD
kad Zatlers atbrauc ciemos mēs vienmēr nenormāli pielejamies un spēlējam privātos šovus draugiem.
ta nu atraduši sensāciju, 40 gadīgam vīram patīk Led Zeppelin. es saprastu, ja būtu teikts, ka viņam ļoti patīk Burzum un Old Funeral demo ieraksti...
Nez, viss runets jau neuzjautrinās par "preved medved" šajā sakarā? :D
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