Iron Maiden
Visi tie, kuri grib, lai Iron Maiden atbrauc pie mums, spiež uz šī linka un labajā pusē nobalso...
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Balsot var ik pēc 10-15 minūtēm!
Balsoju, cik manos spēkos. bet nez vai šamos dabūs šurp, bet kas zin.
nu kapēc gan nevarētu
protams ticamība maza, bet es nebrīnītos ja atbrauktu
kāpēc tāds pesimisms? ja jau bija Ozzijs, Judas Priest, Metallica, tad kāpēc gan IM nevarētu?
Nu un jēga balsot? Domāju, ka IM ir pēdējie, kas zin par tādas lapas eksistenci.

Lai gan iespēja, ka atbrauks, ir relatīvi liela, jo pēdējā laikā mūs visādi stāri aplaimo. Gan jau arī Iron Maiden būs.
To Lash:

Tas ir nevis dēl pašiem IM. FBI rīko tādu aptauju, lai saprastu, kurš koncis būs apmeklētāks un lielāki ieņēmumi. (visdrīzāk)
labāk red hot chili peppers :o
nolāpītie pipari apdzina meidenus :D
Johaidī kā, bļ kas johaidī kapēc RHCP priekšā IM. Bet ja būs RHCP ar aiziešu.
rezultāti ir kaut kas morāli graujošs.
ok, neesmu nekāds dzelžjaunavu fans, bet rhcp? oh, kmon. tad jau uz tiem maiden vismaz varbūt būtu vērts aiziet paskatīties.
nu a kas vainīgs ka matainie guļ un nebalso :D
nezinu, nu es par maiden nobalsoju, tā kā nevienai postroka atsaucības nebija pilnīgi nekādas, bet nu kmoon, red hot čilī pepers nah?

straight edge pop for teh wins0rz! un viņi vēl bija tie, kas neļāva Mr.Bungle piedalīties kaudzē Eiropas festu, jo Mr.Bungle, lūk, špikojot no viņiem lol.
The album itself (California) was scheduled to be released on June 8, but Warner Bros. Records pushed it back so as not to coincide with the Red Hot Chili Peppers similarly titled album, Californication, which was to be released on the same day. Mr. Bungle was known to have had a bad relationship with the Red Hot Chili Peppers' frontman Anthony Kiedis. The feud began when Kiedis saw singer Mike Patton performing with Faith No More and accused him of imitating his style. Kiedis stated “Yeah I watch that 'Epic' video, and I see him jumping up and down, rapping, and it looked like I was looking in the mirror. The thing is, I had no problem with him personally. I mean, I love 'The Real Thing,' and I liked his vocals on that record. I mean, when I heard the record I noticed subtle similarities, but when I saw that video it was like, 'Wait a second here, what the fuck?". Mr. Bungle took offense to Kiedis' comment, sarcastically threatening Kiedis in the press.

While touring in support of California, Kiedis had Mr. Bungle removed from a series of summer festivals in Europe; as the headlining act at the festivals The Chili Peppers had final word on the bands that would appear. Patton stated “Our agent was in the process of booking these festivals, and it was becoming apparent that we'd landed some pretty good ones—one in France, another one in Holland, some big-name festivals. Turns out someone's holding a grudge! We were booted off several bills, including a really big festival in Australia, specifically because Anthony Kiedis did not want us on the bill. He threatened to pull the Chili Peppers if Mr. Bungle was on the bill. Now, rationalize that one! That's so fucking pathetic! I mean, this guy's selling a million records! We are not even a speck of dust on this guy's ass! What's the fucking problem?"[30] Trey Spruance added "We were booked, months in advance, to do eleven festival dates in Europe. Come Summer, we get a call from the three biggest of those festivals, all of them the same day, saying that we can't play, because the headlining band retains the right to hire and fire whomever they wish. We found out it was the Red Hot Chili Peppers, so our manager called their manager to find out what the hell was going on, and their manager was very apologetic, and said, 'We're really sorry, we want you to know this doesn't reflect the management's position, or the band's for that matter, it's Anthony Kiedis who wants this.'"

As a result, Mr. Bungle parodied the Red Hot Chili Peppers in Detroit, Michigan on Halloween of 1999. Patton introduced each Mr. Bungle band member with the name of one of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, before covering the songs "Give It Away", "Around the World", "Under the Bridge" and "Scar Tissue", with Patton deliberately using incorrect lyrics. Mr. Bungle also satirized many of the mannerisms of the band, mocking heroin injections and on-stage antics. Kiedis responded by having them removed from the 2000 Big Day Out festival in Australia and New Zealand, stating “I would not have given two fucks if they played with us there, but after I heard about some Halloween show where they mocked us and read another interview where Patton talked shit about us, and I was like, you know what, fuck him and fuck the whole band." The feud continued with Dunn criticizing the Chili Peppers on his personal webpage. He also criticized their bass player Flea stating "Flea, in all seriousness, really isn't that good. I mean c'mon Red Hot Chilli Peppers were vaguely interesting in the late 80s, but Christ they fucking suck, they suck".
Antonija nākamajai reinkarnācijai vajadzētu Patona reinkarnācijai kurpes tīrīt mūža garumā.
Njā, nedaudz vajag sakāpt galvā, lai kaut ko tādu, kā tas Antonijs vispār spētu izdomāt.

Pattons špiko no viņa un RHCP? Roflmao. Jebatroni.

Nez, es no tā saraksta ļoti ļoti labprāt gribētu redzēt Moriseju, bet laikam jau arī viņa laiks aizgājis, iekš you are the quarry vēl politiku un Ameriku nodirsa, tagad tik vien par nāvi dzied, tik vien par nāvi dzied :(
Lolz, nemaz nezināju, ka I have Forgiven in Jesus ir klips. Tipa.
4ota neaktiivi balsojam
Red Hot Chili Peppers
30 %

Iron Maiden
25 %
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Nu čo, MATAINIE. Padirsām pozīcijas. Pēc 2 dienu prombūtnes ieslēdzu kompi un... neticu savām acīm.
Ko, pēc Baltijas Saules rociņas trīcēja?
Es no taa saraksta vispaar uz gandriiz visiem labpraat aizietu (iznjemot Oasis un U2).
nu davaj balso tak!!!
YT izmeta šādu brīnumu - brazīļu grupa Icon Of Sin - nu psc, tāds IM worships - simt punkti, ja Dikinsons kaut kur šo pa radio dzrdētu, tad mēģinātu štukot, kas tā par dziemsu un kāpēc viņš neatceras, ka būtu tādu iedziedājis :D
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