Malevolent Creation
Re, kā šiem izgājis Indonēzijā:
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
labs stāsts, kā no tupiem amīšiem izspiest naudu...
Būdīgi deathmetālistu onkas, bet nu kā mazi bērni - galvas šiem taisījušies nogriezt! :)
nu tak - viņi arī tic, ka pie mums pa ielām lāči ar krievu tankiem braukā...
Bauskā ?
Nē, vakar kolonnā aizbrauca uz Mazpisāniem.
lol :)
Es apsmējos vietā, kur piedzēries tips cilvilās drēbēs pieprasījis viņiem pases - viens pat iedeva... :D
stulbie amīši! galīgi bez radošas domāšanas, noteikti visas 6 stundas pavadīja raudot spilvenos un lūdzot onkuli Semu
Iereekt jau gan var, bet taa ir valsts, kuraa joprojaam tiek praktizeeti miesassodi, kaads amiishu jaunietim par seetas apkraasoshanu piesprieda 5 pletnes sitienus, vieniigais, ko veestnieciibai izdevaas panaakt bija 5 vietaa shis dabuuja izciest tikai 3. Par narkotiku veshanu paari robezhai tur shauj nost. Koshlaajamaas gumijas tur var nopirkt tikai aptiekaas:), un par nomestu zemee koshlleni tur diezgan liels sods. Bet visaa visumaa esot diezgan laba vieta dziivoshanai, silts, neviens nezog.
Vecais stāsts par indivīda brīvību vs. sabiedrības labumu...
Domāju gan ka nezog. Par zagšanu nocērt roku ...

Īpaši laba vieta dzīvošanai gan nav - zemestrīces, vulkāni, cunami, islamistu teroristi, dažādi brīvības cīnītāji, tropiskās slimības un pie ekvatora nav ''silts'' ;)
"We demanded that the American embassy send someone to our hotel. We were elated at the site of another American! “SAVE US!!”, we cried!"
te tev nu bija trve broootal.
Haha, Indonēzijā nedrīkst koncertēt bez darba atļaujas?? Kas tie par jokiem? LOL
Nu re, Malevolent Creation tomēr izrādās tiešām esam troo br00tal (protams, ja tā ir patiesība):

Guitarist Phil Fasciana of long-running Florida death metallers MALEVOLENT CREATION was reportedly involved in a bizarre shootout at a convenient store in his hometown of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. According Fasciana, he pulled into a small store at around 3:00 p.m. Friday afternoon (July 3) to get something to drink and walked right into a robbery in progress. "I went in this little store on my way home to get a chocolate milk, of all things, and little did I know, I was walking into a life-or-death situation," he says. "When I walked into the store, I did not notice anyone else in the store until someone started screaming at me and pointed a gun at me. I nearly shit myself, because the dude looked wacked out of his mind and fired four shots directly at me and I went down to the ground because I thought I was surely shot. After about 30 seconds, I realized I was not hit at all and the shooter thought I was dead or injured and started attacking the store worker when I snuck up behind the burglar and talked [to] him and took the gun out of his hands and told him to get out of the store. He then reached in his sock and pulled another gun out and pointed it at me and that's when I fired two shots into his head, killing him instantly!

"Never in my life has anything so twisted happened to me before and I would like to forget it ever happened, but I had no other choice. Lucky for me, the stupid crackhead burglar had the worst aim in the world and missed me with all four shots from about 10 feet away! Needless to say, all charges have been dropped and the store owner has offered me a lifetime of chocolate milk! Ha Ha!

"I have been in some scary situations before, but having someone shoot out you from that close and miss is a fucking miracle and I have no remorse for killing the assailant who tried to take my life and the store owner's.

"I gotta move out of this town!! I have enough problems as it is!!

"I am very lucky and could easily be dead at this moment, but I'm not and I'm gearing up for our Mexican, South American and European headlining tour which start at the end of July.

"I would like to put this behind me and not talk about it anymore. It was the most fucked up thing I have ever been involved with, besides my ex-girlfriend!!"
Wow. respect.
Njā. Cepur nost.
gan jau, ka viņš vienkārši dirš kā no tilta:)
Mož cenšas kompensēt damāgi Indonēzijā? :P Čota baisi dīvaini tā aizbliez 4as lodes garām no trim metriem un vēl pieiet un atņemt šaujamo... Ja tam džekkam i divi šaujamie, nu tak biki pašaudījšam viņam gan vajadzēja būt.
Gan jau bija kautko saēdies ... Kā to stroķi šim atņēma nesapratu - jeb ''talk to'' tagad nozīmē iedot kacenā no aizmugures ...

P.S. Sākumā jau nospriedum ka džeks kā kārtīgs vecis pēc sešpakas vai Jim Beam aizgāja, bet nē - čokolat milk ....
tik pat labi tas laupītājs varēja būt nariks, kurš pirms veikala tīrīšanas iekapāja kaut ko drosmei, un attiecīgi nevarēja adekvāti apieties ar stroķi, jo no 3 metriem netrāpīt tur ir jābūt pilnīgam talantam. kaut gan iespējamo notikumi variantu daudz, visādā gadījumā šaubos, ka viņš jūtās pārāk satriecoši pēc šī visa, bet nu varonis jau viņš ir šajā gadījumā, tas jāatzīst ;D .
Nu avīžnieki gan sarosīsies - "kārtējais pierādījums, ka visi metālisti grib nogalināt cilvēkus".
Pēdējo reizi redzēju kā izšauj pilnu aptveri no 3m un visu pilnīgi garām, bija Dumb & Dumberer 2.
nikns čalis tas ģitārists.
Šitas jau daudz reālāk izklausās, jo šoko piens netiek nemaz minēts ;)
Kā ta netiek?
Bļin, točna. Tu sagrāvi manu ticību metālam. Stulbie amīšu desmestālisti. Laikam šis arī veģētārietis piedevām ir.
A ko tu zini, moš šim pie stūres bij jābrauc vai kas tamlīdzīgs.

Chris Barnes jau arī CC laikos dzēra pienu un skatījās daiļslidošanu. Tagad laikam tikai zāli pīpē.
Nē nu, dāmu daiļslidošanu, tenisu un pludmales volejbolu reizēm ir veselīgi paskatīties ...
BladeOfDarkness, šodien, plkst. 17:38
Nē nu, dāmu daiļslidošanu, tenisu un pludmales volejbolu reizēm ir veselīgi paskatīties ...

nā ... pr0n +1 :D

Commenting on Fasciana's claims, Detective Mark Shotwell of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department told Rock Radio that he's unable to find evidence that any such event ever took place.

"This did not happen," Shotwell said. "Our last murder was on June 22 and Fasciana was not involved. I'm certain of this. Even if the death was a result of self-defense, it would still be classed as a homicide and investigated as such.

"All witnesses, reportees, victims and suspects are entered into a database, but the most recent entry for Fasciana is on April 1, involving him and a female in a domestic dispute."

Nez, šiem kāds albums nāk drīzumā ārā, ka lieku PR savajadzējies?

Nu es jau saku - jālabo damāge, kas sanāca Indonēzijā. A mož tas arī bi feiks?
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