Nelāgas ziņas no Negura Bunget

"This has to be one of the most difficult messages to be written. We are sorry to announce that Hupogrammos and Sol Faur have ended their journey along Negura Bunget. Our paths are now apart. We wish them all the best on their new endeavors (their new project will be announced at a later time).
Meanwhile, a new Negura Bunget line-up is assembled , which will continue the path started almost 15 years ago. Rest assure, we are keen to prove there is more to be said by this band, and we will work to fulfill our spiritual endeavor relentlessly .
All Negura Bunget scheduled plans (concerts, festivals, contracts with Aural Music/Code666 Records and Prophecy Productions/Lupus Lounge) will be completed in the new formula. New website and myspace page are developed and will soon be online.

Negru, of behalf of Negura Bunget.

The new official Negura Bunget line-up is:
Corb - guitars/vocals
Spin - guitars
Gădineţ - bass
Inia Dinia - keyboards
Ageru Pamanatului - vocals/pipes/percussions/x...
Negru - drums/percussions

A word from Hupogrammos and Sol Faur: We would like to thank everybody who supported and believed in Negura Bunget and invite you to follow our further musical activities."
Tas, ka grupu pamet divi no trim pamata sastāva dalībniekiem, manuprāt, nesola neko īpaši labu. Tiešām jābrīnās, par ko gan piepeši var tā saiet ragos ļaudis, kas sekmīgi darbojušies kopā 15 gadus.. Tiesa gan, galvenais vīrietis tomēr ir palicis; jācer, ka viņam pietiks gribasspēka un viņš spēs tikt galā ar jauno kolektīvu, un necietīs mūzikas kvalitāte, kas līdz šim bijusi visaugstākajā līmenī...
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