Exodus patriec vokālistu
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Vakar, 13. septembrī, blabbermouth.net ziņo:

San Francisco Bay Area thrashers EXODUS have confirmed the departure of singer Steve "Zetro" Souza from the group's ranks. "Zetro is out of the band for sure!" EXODUS manager Steven Warner told BLABBERMOUTH.NET. Asked about the reports that Zetro left the band of his own accord, Warner replied, "He did not quit, he was fired!" An official press release on the matter is expected shortly.

EXODUS are currently on a break from their South American tour, which is expected to resume at the end of this week.


There has been no word yet on a possible replacement, but it is believed that one of the top candidates for the position is John Miller, a local Bay Area singer who had previously spent time with EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt and drummer Tom Hunting in WARDANCE, the ill-fated mid-'90s act that recorded a four-song demo and played several live shows before splitting up. EXODUS are currently touring South America with the help of a fill-in vocalist, Matt Harvey of EXHUMED.


Piedevām vēl ģitārists Gary Holt šo (Zetro) Exodus ofic. forumā nod***is tā, ka maz neliekas, taču pēc tam publiski atvainojies :)
Man tāpat Zetro vokāls kaitināja!
Wow!!! jopcik... Exhumed vokallero dziedas Exodus gabalus!!! Neticeshu kameer neredzeeshu savaam aciim... ;)
Njemot vera Matt'a riikli un nedarbus Exhumed sastavaa koncertiem jaabuut interesantiem... interesanti vinjsh liidzi njems cisternu ar asinim un smirdiigo galvaskausu ;) sliimais palaidnis taads ;)
pag te kautkas nelīmējas kopā. kas ir EXHUMED? ja es pareizi atceros, ta viņi mauca a la Brutal Truth un Napalm Death vai Carcass pašā sākumā????
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