KISS fan arrested for urinating on woman :D
bāc, ku labs :D

According to, an officer performing a paid detail in the area of the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, Massachusetts on Monday, October 5, 2009 at about 10:06 p.m. responded to a call for a disturbance on Accolon Way. Once there, the detail officer spoke to security personnel who were detaining a suspect. According to the victim, she was inside the building attending the KISS concert when she felt a warm feeling on the back of her leg. As a result of the warm sensation, the victim says she turned around to observe an individual urinating on the back of her leg. At this time, the victim promptly alerted security personnel of the incident. Consequently, security personnel escorted the suspect from the building. Officers noted the suspect appeared to be highly intoxicated given his slurred speech and the odor of alcohol emanating from his person.

Officers arrested and charged the suspect with open and gross lewdness and disorderly person.

This is not the first time someone has been accused of urinating on another person during a hard rock/heavy metal concert at TD Banknorth Garden. A former Brewster, Massachusetts police officer pleaded guilty on April 8 in Boston Municipal Court to several charges associated with his actions at a METALLICA concert in January. During the January 18 show at the Garden, Joseph Houston allegedly exposed himself and urinated on a young couple from Connecticut, according to the Suffolk County district attorney's office. He was ejected from the concert, and then refused to leave North Station despite repeated orders to do so by Transit Police, the DA's office said in a statement. Houston was escorted out, only to return, the DA said. He was arrested and charged with trespassing.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
KISS vēl koncertē? o_O
KISS piestraadaa par statistiem un muzikaalaa fona veidotaajiem publiskas apchuraashanas aktiem (hepeningiem).
Es pat neattaisīju šito tēmu, kad sāku rēkt... nu vāks, šitāds kroņa tēmas nosakums vakaru padarīja krietni vien jautrāku! :DDDD
Konča laikā pamīzt - svēta lieta, bet ne jau kādam virsu ...
^ Piemēram, milzīgam kuilim ar 10 cm spaiku aproci ap roku...
man ir bijis tā, ka spēlē galvenā grupa, esmu izkarojusi ļoti labu vietiņu, bet tieši tajā laikā pūslis sasniedz kritisko tilpumu. Nav gan ienācis prātā, ka es turpat varētu arī pačurāt, bet tādam vecim pālī izvilkt krāniņu nav sevišķi grūti...
Cik labi, ka es koncertos nedzeru... Nav gadījies, ka pēkšņi, kad esi iekārtojies foršā vietā, sāk prasīties tā, ka acīs certas.
Nez, man vienam liekas dīvains šis teikums?

"As a result of the warm sensation, the victim says she turned around to observe an individual urinating on the back of her leg."

un vēlreiz:

"turned around to observe [..] the back of her leg."

Šitik lokans sievišķis tiešām varētu būt sensācijas vērts.
dzirdēju baumas par kādu dāmu Metallikas koncī tepat Latvijā, taču viņa nevis pačurāja, bet gan esot kluci nolikusi... īsti neticu, bet rēcīgi būtu no malas paskatīties.
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