Intervija: SÕJARUUN

SÕJARUUNIntervija ar SÕJARUUN (Igaunija) kuri spēlēs  4.decembrī koncerta “Under the Black Metal Siege” ietvaros by P3 team.

(noslēdzošā intervija ar Dark Domination sekos pēc koncerta)

How did the band come to the idea of playing pagan black metal? Is this Estonian paganism or does it have any inflences from black metal bands from Scandinavia?

Because leaving from Tarm, we wanted to continue playing that kind of stuff like we did. It's more like Estonian paganism. This nature stuff what we have in our lyrics is inspired from our 4 seasons.

Your band has had  more releases than other black metal bands from the Baltic states. Have you been positively received by the public in Estonia and other countries?

Mm, yes, the audience gave us warm welcome. It's quite suprising to us, that in such a short time we have been abled to produce several releases. All thanks to our lable from Germany, the Black Devastation Records.

Are you singing in Estonian only? Does the language of your songs have any meaning to you as a pagan band?

All lyrics have been written and sung in estonian but we have some ideas to write some lyrics in German. Yes, of course it has a meaning to us. It keeps the band being who we are.

Please, explain the main themes of Sōjaruun lyrics to me.  And what does Sōjaruun mean?

At the start people thought our band name is involved with horse aka gelding, but Sõjaruun is the rune symbol of war. The lyrics are about the forces of nature and wars connected with powerful feelings .

What is your judgement upon the black metal scene in the Baltics and the world? Do you agree with the opinion that black metal is dying out?

Sander: No, certainly not dying out. A number of years the black metal scene has been abated. The main reason I think is the new metal wave (metal core) arrival into our district. Every scene has it's own tides.

What do you expect from the gig in Riga? What should the Latvian audience expect from your performance?

Sander: Like always, we expect the audience to be full of energy and to have the willpower to "fight" beside us on the stage "field". I don't know, I think this is the question you should be as asking from the Latvians.

How would you describe the black metal scene in Estonia? Is there any difference in how the audience is abroad and at home?

Oliver: I think the black metal scene is rising because for a little time, there appeared more and more black metal bands in scene. In our experiences with performing, it seems that audience in abroad is more, how can i say, powerful than in Estonia. Because if they don't know the band but they like it, they come to front of the stage and support them as hell !

What is your opinion on grave desecration and anti-religious acts performed all around the world in the name of black metal?

Sander: Hahaa...grave desecrations, hmm, I disapprove. Maybe it works on the satanic people, but not on me. There must be a respect to our ancestry and to me, it does not symbal the Cristianity. Like you and me and our kindred spirits know, that any kind of "commercial" religion is made to fool people and therefore I don't dissuade the anti-religious acts.

What bands and what music have been the most essential influences on Sōjaruun?

Certainly the German ones - Helrunar and Nagelfar. Some of Burzum and the old Satyricon.

Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Man patīk šīs +/- vietējo bandu intervijas! Vismaz kas oriģināls. Paldies intervētājiem un postētājam!
būs wēl,iespēju robežās.
lielas cerības ir arī uz I.T.Warpath izdevumu tuvā nākotnē.
i.t.warpath ftw. :D
"... Pilnu rakstu un interviju varēsiet lasīt gaidāmajā žurnāla ”Akorda Gars” debijas numurā."

pird kaut no visa spēka, bet Lietuvā Sepulturai (un ne tikai) I.T.Warpaths tika klāt, kamēr paši lokālie lietuviešu mēdiji aprobežojās ar vienreizēju noraidījumu.

nepird ar pilnu dirsu - skepse un funn momnti ir, bet I.T.W. enciklopēdiskās zināšanas ir vienk. metal archives cienīgas.

laiks rādīs.
^ Kad ta tas žurītis iznāks?
Nē, no offence, es jau neko sliktu nesaku. :) Ticu, ka tā arī ir kā saki, bet nedaudz uz humoru viņa tēls man pavelk. :)
precīzu dienu un laiku, pieļauju, nezin,pat pats redaktors,
bet šogad un nākamā pirmajā pusē diez vai.
jāāģitē, lai netur sveci un ber te iekšā kaut daļēji.

šobrīd,pamazām,liekas,i... atvēries kontakts uz Bergenas(No) skatuvi. tā,ka moore info to follow.
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