Nakts Garāka Par Dienu 18.12.09

The Black Tea


Instrumental lab

Par cik par mūsu LV brigādēm būtu zināms daudzmaz,atļaušos prezentēt kaimiņus.

Instrumental lab is a title comprising three musical projects.These projects feature 4 musicians playing in different line-ups, each line-uprepresenting distinct musical conceptions. It is an interdisciplinarycollabora... of music and visuals and the easiest way to define it is byreferring to the visual tracks which accompany the live performance.

v 0.01

The firstlab version – abstract instrumental music based on experimental, post-rock andjazz styles. Three compositions performed in this version are distinctivemusical movements marked by continuous intensity and dynamics. The liveperformance is accompanied by Harry Smith’s collection of experimentalshort-movies titled Early Abstractions.

JustinasAlbrikas (drums)
Andrius Grigorjevas (guitar)
Jurgis Jarašius (bass)

v 0.02

Thisversion goes together with the work by Brothers Quay - Street of Crocodiles. Differently from the first version, thefusion of sound and visuals creates a narrative with characters, where moods,dramatic tension and release become governed by musical structures. Bass andguitar are not the only melodic instruments and the music itself is composedout of broad spectrum of sounds, starting with ambient, industrial vibrationsand loose structures, ending with intense sound and mathematical arrangements.

VladasDieninis (drums, sampling)
Andrius Grigorjevas (guitar, sampling, synthesizer)
Jurgis Jarašius (bass)

v 00.3

All fourmembers perform together thus forming the third lab version. While in the firsttwo versions the movies and music are related only by their inner mood anddynamics, in the third version the visuals stand on equal grounds with thesound.The musical tracks were createdand in a certain way inspired by their accompanying visual tracks. One of thesetracks is a classic of experimental movies genre titled Dog Star Man (by Stan Brakhage). It goes with a musical soundtrackwhich blends electronic and analog sounds together. The second track wascreated for In Absentia (by BrothersQuay). This is the lengthiest attempt to create a visual and improvisationalsoundscape.

The lasttwo video tracks are intriguing because one of them is intentionally silent andthe other was shot according to a soundtrack already present. In both cases thenew musical track becomes a disruptive and deconstructive element.

Justinas Albrikas (drums)
Vladas Dieninis (drums, sampling)
Andrius Grigorjevas (guitar, sampling, synthesizer)
Jurgis Jarašius (bass)

Ieeja 3ls

Durvis 19-00

KUR Melnā Piektdiena
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
nah miinusu iepera?
tāpēc ka post-rock un mincīts
Nu gan sarakstījis ... Atskaitot TBT pārējās bandas ir 4 leišu 3 dažādi projekti ?
Iisi sakot
Instruemental lab
ir viena grupa,bet katrs no taaas daliibniekiem spelee veel 2-3 instrumentus
koncis vinjiem
buus uz 1,5 h trijas daljas
un nee,leishi ir tikaij instrumental lab
pusehpusew ir vieteejaas apvieniibas

un sorii shnizell bet tu izskakies ka pilniigs lohs..
kas tev pret citiem muzikas zhariem,un kur tur rakstiits post rock?
v 0.01

The firstlab version – abstract instrumental music based on experimental, post-rock andjazz styles ....
"tāpēc ka post-rock un mincīts "

puseh pusew ar postroku ir tikpat liels sakars kā tev ar smadzeņu korektu darbību
blade,bet tas nav tiirs post rock,tas ir mikslis
saprotu ka gribas piepisties pie vardiem
blade,bet tas nav tiirs post rock,tas ir mikslis
saprotu ka gribas piepisties pie vardiem
Oho, ja tie leiši ir apņēmušies pievienot savu mūziku tādam darbam, kā Street Of Crocodiles, tad ir pamats cerēt, ka tas varētu būt kas iespaidīgs.
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