Accept Viļņā 11.05.10
Reku izlasīju blabermausā šitādu infu:

Following their eagerly awaited return to the live stage at the almost-sold-out Gramercy Theatre in New York City, ACCEPT will be heading to Europe to perform special shows in carefully handpicked venues in various European capitals.

ACCEPT has chosen to play these publicity concerts in small, intimate settings to get close to its longtime fans.

After a decade-long absence, ACCEPT wants to make this a special "thank you" to its European fans, who will be able to attend specially arranged meet-and-greet sessions at each of these shows. In addition, the band will be available for autograph sessions, photo opportunities and interviews during this short trek.

Confirmed dates so far are as follows:

May 08 - New York, NY - Gramercy Theater
May 11 - Vilnius, Lithuania - Forum Palace
May 14 - Moscow, Russia - B1 Maximum
May 15 - St. Petersburg, Russia - Lensoveta Theater
May 18 - Helsinki, Finland - Virgin Oil Co.
May 20 - Stockholm, Sweden - Debaser Slussen
May 22 - Gelsenkirchen, Germany - Rock Hard Festival
May 23 - Uden, Netherlands - De Pul
May 24 - Paris, France - Le Bataclan
May 26 - London, UK - Islington O2 Academy

Rumors surrounding these shows have started to pop up all over the Internet due to the exceptionally high anticipation around the world to hear and see the new ACCEPT lineup — featuring the band's latest addition, vocalist Mark Tornillo (ex-TT QUICK) — perform.

Tur ir noklausāms arī no rādžiņa ierakstīts jauns Accept gabals, ar visu jauno vokālistu.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Ņjā, bet Accept bez Udo?... Kuru tas interesē?
Accept bez Udo tas pats kas šņabis bez spirta:)
Nu vells viņ zin, Accept bez Udo varētu būt arī tīri interesanti, vismaz nevar zināt droši, ko gaidīt :D Tā jau džeks nemaz slikti neizklausās. Šķiet labāks, vai varbūt pareizāk būtu teikt - piemērotāks Accept'am nekā tas, kurš tur vienā albuma 80-to beigās figurēja. Tas gan ar nebij nemaz slikts.
A to TT Quick ir kāds dzirdējis? Ja atmiņa mani neviļ, tad tas bij Running Wild Rock'n'Rolfa blakusprojekts.
Man 1989.gada ACCEPT ļoti labi patīk. Ja muzons labs, tad tas krācējs nemaz neprasās.
Nez vai TT Quick ir saistība ar Running Wild, ar Nuclear Assault gan.
Un ko tur gaidīt, kārtējais projekts iekasēt piķi uz vecās slavas rēķina :D
Bet ja būtu Rīgā vai kaut vai Ogres estrādē, noteikti aizvilktos noskatīties. Uz Viļņu gan nē.
kautko bez udo nevelk
Ā, sajaucu TT Quick ar Toxic Taste, my bad.
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