Coroner re-unite?
baumo, ka šamie apvienosies.

Swiss thrash trio CORONER — made up of bassist Ron Royce, drummer Marquis Marky (a.k.a. Marky Edelmann) and guitarist Tommy T. Baron — is rumored to be reuniting for an appearance at next year's edition of Hellfest, set to take place June 17-19, 2011 in Clisson, France.

CORONER's name/logo appears on a promotional poster that was captured yesterday in the photo below, taken at the site of this year's Hellfest. In addition, a short posting on the Hellfest web site regarding next year's event reads as follows, "We also announce the arrival of a legendary group! Stay tuned; you'll have a hell of a surprise and do not wait to buy those tickets!"
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Bija šitās baumas dizrdētas. Tas foto gan ticis cenzēts gandrīz uzreiz, kā parādījies, un tur redzamais arī ir jau sažopēts cenzētā variants. Bišķi dīvaini ir, ka eksistē tikai viens foto, kur tā telts nobildēta.

Bet nu būtu jau skaisti gan.
Es īsti arī nesparotu šādas baumas. Vai tad kāds no žurnālistiem nevar sazināties ar Coroner džekiem un uztaisīt interviju?
Uj, cik ļoti es būtu priecīgs!
xe, xe - negribētos pārāk sacerēties, ka beigās čušš nesanāk...
Pēc šīs nedēļas nogales tad arī būs skaidrāk zināms, šodien hellfests sākas.
it`s official

According to, Swiss thrash trio CORONER — made up of bassist Ron Royce, drummer Marquis Marky (a.k.a. Marky Edelmann) and guitarist Tommy T. Baron — will reunite for an appearance at next year's edition of Hellfest, set to take place June 17-19, 2011 in Clisson, France.

CORONER's name/logo first appeared on a promotional poster that was captured in the photo below, taken at the site of this year's Hellfest.

jācer, ka būs ar kāds jauns albums
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