Lifelover in Vilnius
Since Lifelover have not played in our region, i thought many of you may be interested.

September 17th, Vilnius, Lithuania, Club Propaganda, Putino str. 5. 50LT/~14.5EU

Today confirmed:
Lifelover [SWE]
Pergalė [LT] Black'n'roll
Ossastorium [LT] Death metal

All guests are welcome to stay at Fortuna Hostel for special price, we promise you great beer, awesome bands and things on stage you have not seen before.
Our facebook link:
If there will be a bus(~40 persons), please contact me: or Alejosius Tamculas at Facebook for a special offer for both tickets and hostel.

Hope to see you there.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
domāju, ka drīzāk 14.5lt/5.50Eu
By LT, I meant Lithuanian Litas, not Latvian Lats. Sorry :(
50 Liti, tas pirmais piecinieks ir mājas numurs :D
cena bik pa traku. 35 liti būtu geraičikā. atkal pustukša zāle būs.
^bļ kāda atšķirība 50 vai 35, 3 lati tas ir, baigais kapitāls, smiekli nāk

ka tik kāds normāls bends atbrauc uz šo nomali

Nu nevajag jau tā iekarst. Bet beigu beigās atšķirība tomēr ir jūtama. tomēr būs kāds procents sīču, kas izdomās "ai, pohuj, neiešu". Ieņēmumi būtu tādi paši [no biļetēm], bet cilvju vairāk. win-win. turklāt tā Mulenrūža ar nav nekāds krogs un kad ir maz cilvju, izskatās skarbi.
nuja, nodzertu ar vairāk
Kāds taisās uz turieni?
Uz koncertu braucam ar busu.. Cena 15 Ls. Ja brauc ar mums ieeja koncerta 45 Lt.
pieteikšanas: estragons @
There are some changes with Lifelover gig in Vilnius.
We changed lineup and the club.
Now its club metro(same building as Propaganda club before), we
dropped all the bands but Lifelover and Ossastorium and added one more
- Inquisitor. In addition to this, price is reduced.

So now it is:
Club Metro, Putino str. 5. 35Litas/10Eu.
Ossastorium [Death metal];
Inquisitor [Melodic black metal].

There are rumors about sound quality in Metro, but i can assure you,
that sound will be great, because its taken care by Propaganda guys.
Умер один из основателей LIFELOVER
AAAAAAAA te pat ir TEMA - tikko zvanija comi ka jabrauc uz LT kaut kads pasakums un tiesi nakam 6dien :emo:

LT we coming
^ tu arī zini, kas ir Lifelover?
Tā kā koncertam pievienota leišu black prog grupa Inquisitor, šeku reku atgādināšu par interviju ar šiem:
aye. tad braucat ar to busu beigu beigās? savācāties?
^ Nu tā kā Lifelover līderis ir pēkšņi momiris un grupas eksistence kā tāda ir zem lielas jautājuma zīmes, tad pieļauju domu, ka koncis varētu tapt atcelts.
Cik saprotu, koncis būs, Lifelover nebūs. Iz iekš OP minētās fēčbuka saites:

Kipras Tamašauskas Nesakom nieko dėl Lifelover, nes dar niekas nėra sutarta. Bus Ossastorium ir Inquizitor tikrai. Bus karšta
aga, es ar sapratu, ka būs.
Metālarhīvos Lifelover statuss jau ir split-up.

LIFELOVER atsiprašo savo gerbėjų ir prašo suprasti jų skausmą. Grupės įkūrėjo ir lyderio netektis nutraukė grupės egzistavimą. Tačiau grupė nenori palikti Lietuvos ir kaimyninių šalių fanų deramai neatsisveikinusi. Skirtingai nei buvo planuota iki šiol, visi septyni grupės nariai atvyksta į Lietuvą šį šeštadienį. Vietoje savo programos grupė ketina atlikti keletą specialių kūrinių ir kviečia visus atsisveikinti su „B“ ir LIFELOV...ER paskutinį kartą. Visi likę LIFELOVER pasirodymai yra atšaukiami. Be to, renginio grupės vokalistas Kim prekiaus savo meno kūriniais.“!/event.php?eid=2593861240...
Cik izdodas no teksta izlobīt, būs tāds kā piemiņas koncerts ar atlikušo Lifelover dalībnieku piedalīšanos?

"On the night of the 9th September, Jonas Bergqvist a.k.a. 'B', founding member, main composer, and guitarist of Lifelover, died unexpectedly. The cause of his death is still unclear and has yet to be established."

tas tā, lai būtu saprotamā valodā uzrakstīts. R.I.P.
Aha.. un plānotās programmas vietā izpildīs dažas (?) speciālas dziesmas. Visi pārējie koncerti atcelti. Vispār jau fuk, fuk.. un RIP. Viena no favorītākajām blicēm bij.
Some Lifelover members are coming to Lithuania for the last gig. They will be playing a special program with some other guys. We dropped the price and invited everybody, to say goodbye to the band, which will be performing last time ever.
Bļe, nu pilnīgi tā kā obligāti jābrauc! Un tajā pašā vakarā Rīgā — Skaņu Mežs…
Atzimejas, kas mauc:
Papildus precizējums no leišiem — no Inquisitor līdera:

Hi Imants.

The organizers have too little sleep and are shitting bricks because of this gig, so they obviously forgot about guys interested in it from abroad :)

The thing is that only a part of Lifelover are coming (to start with, one guitar is essentially missing...), so this is more like a 'Tribute' rather than a true show. Rumors say, Kim will be playing guitar himself and the second guitar will be a local guest musician. Though I know nothing about the set-list.

es biju domājis braukt, līdz sapratu, ka tajā pašā vakarā notiek Skaņu Mežs ex Tabakas Fabrikā.
(un kā reiz dzīvās mūzikas koncertu diena)
LIFELOVER apologises to their fans and asks to understand their pain. The untimely death of the founder and leader of the band has brought its existence to an end. However the band doesn’t want to leave their fans in Lithuania and its neighbouring countries without a proper farewell, and so a change of plans has been made, few band members will be coming to Vilnius, Lithuania this Saturday. Instead of the planned song list they will be performing several special pieces and invite everyone to say goodbye to “B” and to LIFELOVER. All other planned LIFELOVER performances are cancelled. In addition the vocalist of the group, Kim will be selling his own, original artwork.
Also appearing are two Lithuanian bands:
In addition to delivering a dose of death metal, OSSASTORIUM will be debuting their new album “Expergo”. The band is glad to have achieved a great sound after a long period of searching and is also quite proud of the fruits of their labour; they claim that “Expergo” marks a new stage in the bands evolution and a new sound – one that is much more massive and deep.
The new album consists of seven totally new death metal tracks, recorded in “Ophys Studio” and “Napalm Sound” in Kaunas, Lithuania with help from sound engineer Vytautas Stankus and Giedrius “Napalm” Bilnvinas.
“Expergo” is released in a “digipack” case, the design of which was created by Rolandas Sarapinas, one the best known artist in the business. The CDs themselves were manufactured by “Baltic Optical Disc” thus the quality of the CDs is not an issue.
For the time being “Expergo” will be distributed by means of OSSASTORIUM concerts and by the band members themselves for a modest price of 20LT (5€). Since this is the debut of the album, the concert goers will the the very first people allowed to purchase the album. If you miss this opportunity you can order it by email:
Kicking off the concert are INQUISITOR, this avant garde black metal band has been around since 2002 and have released two albums, the last of which debuted in the spring of 2010. An INQUISITOR performance in Lithuania is rare sight, however fans of the avant garde will make up for lost time and then some!
So we welcome you to the Vilnius club „Metro“ on the 17th of September, Saturday, 8:00PM to honor the memory of a truly great musician. The price of admition has been lowered to 30LT (8€)
Kads nevar ieteikt, ka dabut roka Estragonu? Uz e-pastiem neatbild, seit ar sen nav bijis.

Kads varbut kaut ko zin, kad/cikos un no kurienes izbrauc?
Cik sapratu BUS nebūs,, jo pārak maz to braucēju pieteicās ...

use this for cheap traveling.
Rīga Viļņā - tas ir kāds gardais ēdiens?
Rīgas filiāle.
vai tomer fileja? :)
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