Tikko saņemtās ziņas vēsta, ka Latvija ir apstiprināta WACKEN METAL BATTLE konkursam arii 2012. gadam. Tas noziimē, ka atlase finālam notiks arii nākošgad!!!
informācija sekos...
informācija sekos...
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
wuhuu!!!! ^_^
Nav kādam amatieru video no Sacramental uzstāšanās?
No WOA nav.
Fatāla nolaidība...:(
Nē, šogad ar to filmēšanu šiem bija ļoti švaki - lielos steidžus arī tik daļēji filmēja. Iepriekš tika filmēts VISS. Laikam ar RAOX films sadirsušies un neko līdzvērtīgu nav atraduši. Tad nu knapinās. Operatoru / režisora darbs vietām bija ļoti zemā līmenī.
Nu ko, šogad ir jācenšas sevišķi nopietni, jo kā galvenā balva ir.... kontrakts ar Nuclear Blast!
What initially started out as a small contest with six German bands and five bands from other countries grew and grew over the years, so that there was a total of 29 international newcomer bands performing during the festival in 2011 and striving for the first place after having won the preliminary decisions in their respective countries. In the past, the first prize was a record deal with Wacken Records. For 2012, Nuclear Blast and Wacken Open Air have announced their participation, meaning that the winning band of “Metal Battle” 2012 will win no less than a record deal with Nuclear Blast - the biggest independent heavy metal label worldwide!
What initially started out as a small contest with six German bands and five bands from other countries grew and grew over the years, so that there was a total of 29 international newcomer bands performing during the festival in 2011 and striving for the first place after having won the preliminary decisions in their respective countries. In the past, the first prize was a record deal with Wacken Records. For 2012, Nuclear Blast and Wacken Open Air have announced their participation, meaning that the winning band of “Metal Battle” 2012 will win no less than a record deal with Nuclear Blast - the biggest independent heavy metal label worldwide!
Nu tad grupām būs stimuls pieteikties vēl aktīvāk kā pagājušogad! Piemēram, no mūsu postmetāla ļaužiem arī tak varētu kādi saņemties.
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