The 50 Worst Band Photos Ever
Lighting Tits un White Chocolate :)
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Daži komentāri bija trāpīgi. Ja neskaita Immortal saukšanu par death metal slavenībām.

Apparently the reason so many Norwegian bands had ass-crazy outfits is that, under tax laws, you could write off your costumes, but only if they were too absurd to wear anyplace but on stage.

Par Manowar: Just because you have a lousy promo picture doesn't make you a bad band (although it usually does). Manowar, for instance, are one of the greatest old-school metal bands on Earth. Just because they dress up like gay Viking cavemen for shoots doesn't make them any worse.
Mēģināju atrast šī komentu autora biogrāfiju, vai viņš pats kādreiz ir spēlejis grupā un kas viņš vispār par krabi, bet laikam pārāk slikti meklēju. Katrā ziņā, dažādu topu veidošana par visu un neko ir viņa stilā.

80tajos rūtainas žaketes un visādi citādi mūsdienām dīvaini apģērbi bija topā, bet lai to tagad nodirstu...
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