Protestēs Jeff Hanneman bērēs!!
Daudzi,no šejieniešiem drošvien atceras,kad nomira Dio,tad arī tika protestēts un piketēts.
Nepietiek ar to,ka viņi protestē kritušo kareivju bērēs,tagad viņi to pašu taisās darīt arī Jeff Hanneman bērēs....
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LOL: "We’d almost like to see the WBC try and turn up at such an event – lord knows a churchful of angry Slayer fans would help them peacefully see the error of their ways."
Sevišķi nepārsteidz, ka Felpss ar visu savu prātu izkūkojušo brandžu taisās arī te zīmēties. Un jā, kā zināms, ievērojams procents Slayer fanu nav ne sevišķi gudri, ne sevišķi miermīlīgi... tiesa gan, WBC savukārt droši vien to tik vien gaida, kad kāds viņiem mēģinās kaut pirkstu piedurt, lai tad raudzītu izstiesāt sūdus laukā no pāridārītājiem.
Grūti uz sitiena tagad iedomāties vēl aizspriedumainākus un aprobežotākus cilvēkus....
Dzīvo savā mazajā iedomu pasaulītē un tālāk par savu degungalu neredz.....
Skatījos video,kurā Felpsa meita teica,ka internetu esot radījis Dievs priekš WBC vajadzībām...:D

aha, lai vieglāk pie prona tiktu ...
Uz sūdainu mietu uzdurt šitādus!!!
Some guy, who was in a band that influenced a lot of other bands, passed away at 3 o’clock this morning from a disease that some other band was named after. In a mass, spontaneous outpouring of sadness, thousands of anguished metalheads today posted R.I.P. on their Facebook pages along with pictures and videos mourning the death of a moderately talented, long-haired stranger.

“This is a great loss for the world of music. Metal will never be the same,” said some dude who claims his band once opened for a band who opened for Metallica.

The dead guy’s band have been somewhat consoled by a 15 percent spike in Youtube traffic, not to mention the exciting marketing opportunities that only the sudden, horrific death of an artist can provide. Several tribute albums featuring obscure musicians looking to rip the remaining flesh off of his corpse should be available soon, as people race to cash in on the public’s fetishization of grief.

But, at the end of the day, his death was probably a good thing. After all, it provided thousands of individuals with the opportunity to share in yet another in a never-ending series of public events meant to distract people from issues that actually affect them. Plus, many will now be able to participate in the fantasy that by exhibiting sorrow on a Facebook status, they can fool people into thinking that they are creatures still capable of experiencing human emotion.
Alex Skolnick uzrakstījis gudru nekrologu. Lasīšanas vērts. Vairāk nekā parastais «we'll miss him too much».
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