Smagie resursi (blogi u.c.)
Kad izdodas trāpīt uz kādu interesantu resursu, blogu, lapu, ar kuru gribas padalīties. Piemēram, Brain Pickings — populārā rakstu valodā izklāstītas idejas no zinātniekiem, rakstniekiem u.c. Piem., Nīče, Sagāns, Zontāga un daudzi citi:

Nu, un protams, vēl un vēlreiz — I Fucking Love Science!
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If you asked me to characterise the “Russian World” (Russky mir) in one word, I would not hesitate to call it infantilism. This term best describes the current state of Russian society.

The world of an infant is utterly simple:

“The Americans let the price of oil fall. The Americans organised a revolution in Ukraine. America hates Russians. Because of this, they sent us Jews and liberals. And the Jewish Rotenberg brothers stole all the money. But Putin is good.”

There is no place for any semitones or complicated intellectual constructions in this world. Its main characteristics is primitiveness.

Its cruelty is equally infantile. Usually, adults do not reach to such levels of hatred, aggression, and willingness to inflict damage, hurt, or do wrong without cause.

The absolute lack of understanding of the value of life is just as infantile.

It is not acceptable for adults to inflate a frog with a straw, to decapitate a puppy, to pound residential neighbourhoods with weapons of indiscriminate destruction, or to shoot down passenger jets with surface-to-air missiles while thinking:

“What difference does it make whether it was a passenger jet or not? The birdie is down, hooray! We did warn them not to fly in our skies!”

Satricinoši labs un apskaidrojošs raksts no krievu autora:

Kā arī sveicieni 2016. gadā no Edvarda Lūkasa, kurš (kā vienmēr) zīmē nelāgu ainu:
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