Progg / Power cd
Gadījumā, ja nav ar ko kurināt ugunskuru, rekur ir viens strēķītis.
Oriģinālie, labā stāvoklī. 5-8e.
Par kaudzi var sarunāt lētāk.

King Diamond / Mercyful Fate – A Dangerous Meeting 1992
Vanden Plas / AcCult
In The Name / 1995
Leverage / Tides
Pretty Maids / Anything Worth Doing Is Worth Overdooing
Exhibition / The Sign Of Tomorrow
Headstone Epitaph / Power Games
Aspera / Ripples
Without Warning / Step Beyond
Warlock / Triumph And Agony 1987
Virgin Steel / The Black Light Bacchanalia
Astral Doors / Testament Of Rock: Best Of
Symphony X / V
DGM / Misplaced
Holy Mother / My World War
Holy Mother / Criminal Afterlife
Double Action / Fireproof
Skin / Experience Electric 1997
Magnitude 9 / Chaos To Control 1998
Humanrace / For The Sake Of Your Soul 1998
Grapow Roland / Kaleidoscope
Jag Panzer / The Age Of Mastery
Pagans Mind / Gods Equation
Cage / Astrology
Angel Dust / Of Human Boundage
Double Action / Sokaris
Darkseed / Spelcraft
Jag Panzer / Mechanized Warfare / digi
Angra / Fireworks
Abraxas / Tomorrows World
Steel Prophet / Dark Hallucinations
Fates Warning / Chasing Time 1995
Savatage / Poets And Madmen
Rage / End Of All Days 1996
Saxon / Metalhead
Blaze / Silicon Mesiah
Mystic Prophecy / Vengeance
Total Eclipse / Ashes Of Eden
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