vai ir veel kaads,kas vinjus klausaas? un cik veel uzskata,ka Manowar is kings of metal?
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
:))))Es klausos! Vinni ir un buus true heavy metal kongs!
:))) piekriitu!!! vieniigie pie kuriem pashreiz turos...
lai arii kas zin,varbuut ir veel kas no heavy,kas ir muusdienaas joprojaam nezinu. ir?
Nu,iisteniibaa nezinu...? Iron Maiden man nepatiik. Ja godiigi, tad MANOWAR ir no retajaam grupaam, ko klausos aarpus brutal death/grind laucinna.
man taapat...Faktiski no Iron maiden repertuaara ir tik 2 dziesmas kas patiikaas (vecas)... kautkas shajaa grupaa nav,bet kas,nezinu...kad klausos Manowar paarnjem varenas un speeciigas sajuutas.. iedomaaties var,kaa ir vinju koncertos,kad daudziem ir shiis emocijas...
Manovar konccos speelee skallumaa- 1 decibelu pirms saapju robezza;) Nu ja godiigi, man no Iron Maiden patiik, tik daudzu metaalistu niistais cd - Virtual:) Nu es nevaru nekaa panest to Dikinsona balss toni kopaa ar Harise baseni.
:) esi bijis koncertaa?
agraak(ljoti sen jau) sapnis bija nokljuut Metallica tad viss mainiijaas(vispirms vinji)...tagad sapnis paargaajis uz veelmi online redzeet Manowar.. :)
Nu neesmu bijis. Manowar bija Tallinaa, vajadzeeja laist, bet nesanaaca. Nu jaa, vinnus ir veerts redzeet dziivajaa.
Kas, kas manowar? Pūdeļi ar lielajiem muskuļiem :))
vechi ir uzpuutiigi (vismaz Joy de maio un Adams) aazhi, pieredzeeju to uz savas aadas backsteidzaa, taa kaa velreiz tikties ar shiem nekaarojuu. Koncerti vienmer viniem labi. Gribi vai nee, bet klase augsta. Savaa zinaa 80/90 gadu heavy metal simbols, vienigi mani nedaudz apbedinaja pedejais disks, nu taa... :) kautkas pietruka, un leenas ar par daudz. Nu redzes, kas bus nakamajaa, mirt jau shie netaisas un gan jau pec paris gadiem atkal bus vismaz skandinavijaa.
cik zinu,ir taads Sacred Steel ar vinjsh likaas baig liidziigs Manowar...
(iisti pat neatceros),bet vai taads zveers veel eksistee? heil and kill!!
(jeans & leather.. ;) skat.teemu undergr.siev. :))))
neko dariit,ka shai grupai liekas svariigaaka muuzika... (lai arii peec muuzikjiem daudz ko var spriest)
Nu iisteniibaa man Judas Priest ar Halfordu patiik daudz labaak!
nezinu kaapec bet nu heavy man nekad nav paticis un arii vinjus neklausos. bet ja patiik tad jau var dariit visu ko veelas.
Protams, brutal death ir viss tuvaakais man!
Esmu redzējis koncī gan Iron Maiden, gan Manowar, abus Tallinā. Nav salīdzināmi. Maideni ir neskaitāmas reizes pārāki - kaut arī Manowar man savā ziņā patīk, tas naivums un augstās pozas sit cauri un ātri vien apnīk. Piedevām kopš Ross The Boss aiziešanas viņiem nav gadījies atrast nevienu normālu ģitāristu...
nu ir ir vechi kaa paavi...ok,tiek un ko tagad? :)))
Tiira heavy metaala esence... :DD
Kaut arī esmu jau sen pārgājis daudz smagākā svara kategorijā (thrash/death/doom)Manowar ir un vienmēr paliks sirdij tuvākā grupa(zemapziņas līmenī).Jā, ir viņi naivi pāvi,bet kāds tam sakars ar mūziku?Heavy metal etalons ,vismaz man noteikti.
Bet kā jums jaunais singls DOWN OF BATLE?Manuprāt diezgan cerīgi,vismaz dziesma ar tādu pašu nosaukumu ir vienkārši exelenta!!!
Runājot par textiem:bieži dzirdētais pārmetums, ka tie ir bērnišķīgi,stulbi utt, ir diezgan pamatots, taču gandrīz visi texti ir rakstīti dzejas stilā ar skaidri dzirdamām atskaņām, kas man ļoti imponē.Lai nu par ko tie būtu,nevar noliegt zināmu talantu šajā jomā.Cik vēl ir tādu grupu?Pārsvarā mūsdienās visi teksti tiek rakstīti teikumu formā, kas ir daudz vieglāk, taču tiem reti kad ir melodiju pastiprinošs efekts, kas piemīt atskaņām.
Vēl gribētos pateikt pāris vārdu par koncertu ierakstiem.Ja HELL ON WHEELS man stipri lika vilties(man tā likās atklāta haltūra), tad par HELL ON STAGE man ir otrādas emocijas.Pirmkārt vecās dziesmas pārdziedātas pēc 10-15 gadiem skan pavisam savādāk-spēcīgāk,arī vokāls jau krietni atšķiras no toreizējā uz labo pusi,plus vēl improvizācijas (nevis haltūras) dziesmas sākumos un to laikā.Par improvizācijām šādos ierakstos, varu teikt, ka man tās ļoti patīk, jo man NAV VAJADZIGS koncerta albūms, kas skan tieši tāpat ,kā studijas ieraksts.Šeit tas ir tādā pakāpē, ka klausoties dziesmas sākumu kādu minūti vispār nevari saprast, kas tā par dziesmu.Vienīgais HELL ON STAGE mīnus ir par maz ierakstītais pūlis un varēja salikt nedaudz vairāk ātrās dziesmas tipa OUTLOW,POWER utt.
Manowars rocks metal!!!
Man ar Manowar ir iipashas attieciibas. Tajaa dienaa, kad ieguvu autovadiitaaja aplieciibu, no riita klausiijos tieshi Manowar. Arii tajaa dienaa, kad knapi, bet tomeer noliku sasodiito fizikas eksaamenu, arii klausiijos tieshi Manowar. Taatad, naakoshreiz, kad vajadzees dariit ko svariigu, noteikti vispirms uzklausiishos Manowar.
Un veel, par Iron Maiden. Shii bez shaubaam ir manaa magjii un viskautkaaadaas citaas uzpariktees visvairaak skanoshaa grupa. Nevaru pat pateikt miiljaako albumu vai dziesmu, jo taadu vinjiem ir fckin daudz.
Brothers everywhere, raise your hand into the air we`re warriors - warriors of the world!
Manowar noteikti ir tāds true heavy metal. Man pašam bija reiz izlase, kurā iekļautās dziesmas man ļoti patika. Tagad pat nezinu, jaunie gabali nav slikti, liekas vienīgi pārāk lēni!

Tu mani pa sievieti uzskati??? Taakaa bish uzbrauciens ne... Un tas ko tu klausies ir baigais vechu metaals ja???
0 <----manowar fanlist....pievienojies ari tu, ja patik manowar...
vo manowaram arii kaa negatiivu iipashiibu varu mineet ka shis tas pa leenu un briiziem kriit uz nerviem tas USA patriotisms kas liel aaraa no gabaliem tiesa ne jau no visiem bet teksti arii kautvai peedeejaa nu gandriiz viens un tas pats saak jau apnikt bet iron man aarpus konkurences tie man absoluuti numur viens
MANOWAR dod riktiigi viena no manaam miilaakajaam grupaam!!!
Nocturnal Rites labaaki=]^^ (imho of course)
Jaatdziistas, ka neesmu tik daudz no Man0war dzirdeejis, bet cik esmu man ljoti patiik tas vinju brunjiniecisms, visur ar godu, "with iron and honour" stils. Labs of course.
man patik tas ko vinji spele
Neskatoties uz to, ka man heavy metal ir Nr.1, tomēr Manowar tikai nelielās devās ir OK!
pačekojiet Number 1 un uzreiz ielieciet The Gods Made Heavy Metal... bišķiņ ir tas pats nē, man kakraz vienā izlasē tā salikts. es jau esmu savu noraustījis, tūlīt nāks ārā, otrā rokā dvielis... bļeģ tā pati tēma tikai cita dziesma... ar asarām acīs mēģina aizturēt šļācienu līdz nu jau nākamās dziesmas beigām... par masturbētājām/onanētā... jau viņi nepadomā...
Manowar ir iists tru un taads arii paliks
toests true a ne tru eh analfabeets taads
labs saliidzinaajums:

But if there’s one thing gayer then Manowar, that’s reading 72 pages from behind a computerscreen.

( no
nezinu, vai juus neesat paaraak slinki linku paveert valaa. rekur Manowar recenzija, piedaloties numetaala varonjiem :

Manowar - Best Of Manowar: The Hell Of Steel
Scene: The Citadel of Nu-Metal war room. The War Cabinet is sitting. Things are looking grim. The assembly is in an uproar. Someone is crying.

Jonathon Davis: (Bangs gavel) Order, order dudes! Chester, stop crying!
Chester Bennington: I can’t help it. *sob* We haven’t gone gold in outer Mongolia.
Davis: (Rolls eyes) Back to the matter at hand, gentle-dudes. Our plans for world domination are well at hand. We have brainwashed millions of teens worldwide into accepting our message and our musical mediocrity. We own the airwaves, the record stores, most of the festivals and a majority of the media. (Applause from the assembly.) However, we’ve discovered a few pockets of resistance. We’ve recently become aware of this, this… abomination! (Points at the Manowar album lying on the table. On the front cover is a muscle-bound warrior, bloodied sword in one hand, demon head in the other. Scantily clad maidens and imps surround the warrior. It is titled “The Hell Of Steel”.) This, this… THING goes against all we hold True… I mean Nu! If it gets out, it will upset the Nu-World Order! We must find a way to combat it! Does anyone have any ideas?
Joey Jordison: I like his mask.
Max Cavalera: Let’s fuck shit up motherfuckers!
Jon: Now, you say that all the time Max. What exactly do you mean by “fucking shit up”?
Max: Well, I fucked Sepultura up didn’t I?
David Draiman: (From under the table) He’s right you know. Sepultura used to be True, but then they went Nu.
Jon: Dave, why are you under the table?
David: I’m not. I have to keep my head down here because I got my chin piercings caught in my wallet chain.
Coby Dick: I feel your pain, dude.
Chester: (Inspecting lyric sheet): These lyrics are weird. There’s nothing about how the world is tough and girls can mess you around and how homework is bad for teenagers. It’s all icky stuff about demons and fighting. It’s enough to make your hair stand on end!
Wayne Static: Did someone call?
David: (Still under the table) Ha! And they call themselves Heavy Metal! Hey, someone’s been sticking bubblegum under here.
Jon: They even had Orson Welles do a monologue for them. How are we supposed to better this?
David: Mmm, strawberry flavour! Um, you could play the bagpipes again.
Chino Moreno: We could tell them to shove it, SHOVE IT, (screams) SHOVE IIIIT!!!
Jon: What would that achieve? And pull your fucking pants up!
Chino: I dunno, but it helped us sell a lot of records.
Joey: Ha! These idiots call their drumkit the Drums Of Doom. Can their drumkit fly? I think not!
Jon: But have you actually heard them? Their drummer actually knows how to keep a beat!
(A collective gasp is heard around the room)
Joey: (very quietly) We’re in trouble…
Coby: I feel your pain, dude.
Max: We need to fuck shit up!
Everyone else: Shut up, Max!
Chester: One of these songs is all funny. I can’t read it.
Jon: You should have tried harder in remedial English. Let me see. (Looks at lyrics sheet) This is in German. This is worse than I thought! Germans love True Metal. These guys have multi-lingual appeal!
Dez Fafara: I know Gibberish. Do you think it would help if we released a song written in Gibberish?
Jon: It doesn’t seem to have helped so far. Um, is that Rammstein dude still here?
Till Lindemann: Ja.
Jon: Can you read this for us?
Till: Nein. Scheissen, actung Volkswagen!
Fred Durst: Let’s call Ozzy and ask him if we can do Ozzfest all year round then. He’s Metal, so if we play with him, we’re Metal by association.
Dez: (Raps tunelessly) “Drop the money, you gotta drop the money!” I did a song with Ozzy once.
Jon: It was “Drop the MONKEY” you idiot. I don’t think Ozzy would go for it. He has to take the dogs to the vet.
Chino: Kelly and Sharon aren’t THAT ugly.
Fred: Then let’s call Marilyn Manson and ask him if we can do Ozzfest all year round.
(Everyone stares at Fred)
Jon: Fred, we’ve been through this before. Ozzfest is Ozzy’s festival, not Marilyn’s. That’s why it’s not called Manifest.
Chester: Why are there only four of them? They haven’t got anyone to do their samples or scratching or rapping.
Jon: I don’t know.
Max: I know why! They do these things called solos! I did one once, back in 1989! It hurt my fingers.
Wayne: Fingers? You mean you used more than one finger to play a chord?
Max: Yeah, and we used to use more than three chords in a song too, but I used to leave most of them up to Andreas.
Wayne: More than three chords? What a waste!
Fred: What about the rapping? Can they bust a rhyme, sublime, in time, like mine?
Jon: I don’t know. Perhaps we should listen to it.
Chester: I don’t know about that, it might be scary…
Coby: I feel your pain, dude.
Max: Let’s fuck shit up!
(Various objects are thrown at Max)
Everyone else: SHUT UP MAX!
Jon places the disc in the stereo and turns it on. Suddenly, the earsplitting boom of “Fighting The World” bursts forth from the speakers. Dust and plaster starts to fall from the ceiling. The cabinet members all dive for cover under the table, except David, who is already there. Chester starts crying again, while Fred starts whining. The walls tremble. Larger pieces of debris fall from the ceiling. Four mighty horsemen crash through the wall, armed with a sword of steel, a battleaxe, a spiked club and a mighty hammer of war. The Nu-Metallers are momentarily struck dumb by the sight of the Metal Kings, before begging for their lives. The Metal Kings show no mercy, and slay all without hesitation, while the Citadel collapses into a pile of rubble.

The dust clears as the finals strains of “Master Of The Wind” trail off. A lone figure struggles from the wreckage. It is Max. His dreadlocks have fallen off, replaced by a mullet, and his piercings have disappeared. He pulls a phone from his pocket.
Max: Hello, Igor? This is Max. Wanna get the band back together and do a ‘Beneath The Remains’ anniversary tour? Yeah, I think I’m cured.
aii rakari, pilnigi viss niknums uz kirpuci pargaaja
Šito recenziju jau pasen es kaut kur esmu pamētājis apkārt, ja nu vienīgi šit e piemirsies :)
Baigi sarēžīti, man liekas joka ideja parasti ir īsa un kodolīga.
Es klausos Rīgas gruzoncore grupu Tesa.
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