Ārprāts, tieksme, kaisle.
Mums, vairāk vai mazāk flegmatiskajiem ziemeļniekiem daudz vajag dozēt* ,lai ieslīgtu šādā emociju vētrā. Protams, neesam igauņi vai somi, bet neesam arī impulsīvi itāļi, spāņi un velns zin, kas vēl...
Kas Tevi, kautrīgais latvieti(-e), var novest līdz tādam maniakālam stāvoklim?
* - vienalga ko (mūzika, alkohols, notikumi, zāle, sex, un viss pārējais, kas ienāk prātā)
Kas Tevi, kautrīgais latvieti(-e), var novest līdz tādam maniakālam stāvoklim?
* - vienalga ko (mūzika, alkohols, notikumi, zāle, sex, un viss pārējais, kas ienāk prātā)
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
juu miin kas noved meerkakjii? :P
:) tu paliec maniakāla, kad esi novesta mērkaķī?
he, he... kaut vai mērkaķī.., vienalga.. ka tik galvu rauj bezmaz vai nost..
he, he... kaut vai mērkaķī.., vienalga.. ka tik galvu rauj bezmaz vai nost..
ziniet, mani līdz nelabumam uzbudina doma par divu sieviešu sexu... padomājiet, divas lesbietes... siekalas tek... vēl, sadomazohisms... latekss, pātadziņa un barga kundze... vēl, brutāls hardcore sex... baisi laba lieta, iesaku izmēģināt katram... vēl, mani uzbudina evoken mūzika... baigi foršs funeral doom. vispār, uzbudinos no kailuma(sievietes kailums, protams). kad esmu dzēris palieku īpaši traks. kad gribas kauties, esmu ārprātīgs... kožu un skrāpēju. vispār, esmu slims... žēlojiet mani :*
personiigas dabas jautaajumus luudzu adreseet manam viiram.
un man patīk arī mērkaķa stadija... uuuuuu, tā ir super... :*
pakasi veederinju:P
nu bļin... hei , kur ir mana draudzene ( guļ jau ) , kas te runās manā vietā... iešu pasaukt.
jau kasos... :P:*
I was born human.
But this was an accident of fate
- a condition merely
of time and place.
I believe
it's something
we have the power
to change.
I will tell you why:
Silicon chip ∑c | Pr[adv(M0, r) = c] - Pr[adv(M1, r) = c] | ≤ 2ε
Kevin and his wife Irena
use their microchip implants
to share each other's pain,
and even
sexual excitement.
'Will my brain be able to cope?
The biggst risk is that
I could go crazy.'
Plugs book: No
Undermines prediction with own examples: No.
Mentions wife: Yes.
'Today we can monitor their performance remotely
and in the future we'll be able to program
an atlete to achieve
perfect performance'.]"
Plugs book: No.
Predicts imminent enslavery of mankind: Yes.
Undermines prediction with own examples: No.
Mentions wife: Yes.
People have asked me,
whether it would be possible
to get high from drugs,
store those signals,
and then return them
to the nervous system later
to reproduce the sensation.
... (1)
... (5)
To that end,
I plan to have a glass or two of wine
and record my body's reaction,
captured in exactly the same way
I "saved" movement or pain.
The following day,
I will play back
the recorded signals.
As my brain tries to make sense of these,
it might search for past experiences,
trying to put things in terms of
what it already knows.
when my brain receives the "drunk" signal,
it might believe it is indeed
Particular electronic patterns can be transmitted
to the nervous system
to bring about a sensation
equivalent to that of
drinking bourbon or rum.
Downloadable drug-like experience / virtual-reality narcotics
Plugs book: No.
Predicts imminent enslavery of mankind: Yes.
Undermines prediction with own examples: No.
Mentions wife: Yes.
But this was an accident of fate
- a condition merely
of time and place.
I believe
it's something
we have the power
to change.
I will tell you why:
Silicon chip ∑c | Pr[adv(M0, r) = c] - Pr[adv(M1, r) = c] | ≤ 2ε
Kevin and his wife Irena
use their microchip implants
to share each other's pain,
and even
sexual excitement.
'Will my brain be able to cope?
The biggst risk is that
I could go crazy.'
Plugs book: No
Undermines prediction with own examples: No.
Mentions wife: Yes.
'Today we can monitor their performance remotely
and in the future we'll be able to program
an atlete to achieve
perfect performance'.]"
Plugs book: No.
Predicts imminent enslavery of mankind: Yes.
Undermines prediction with own examples: No.
Mentions wife: Yes.
People have asked me,
whether it would be possible
to get high from drugs,
store those signals,
and then return them
to the nervous system later
to reproduce the sensation.
... (1)
... (5)
To that end,
I plan to have a glass or two of wine
and record my body's reaction,
captured in exactly the same way
I "saved" movement or pain.
The following day,
I will play back
the recorded signals.
As my brain tries to make sense of these,
it might search for past experiences,
trying to put things in terms of
what it already knows.
when my brain receives the "drunk" signal,
it might believe it is indeed
Particular electronic patterns can be transmitted
to the nervous system
to bring about a sensation
equivalent to that of
drinking bourbon or rum.
Downloadable drug-like experience / virtual-reality narcotics
Plugs book: No.
Predicts imminent enslavery of mankind: Yes.
Undermines prediction with own examples: No.
Mentions wife: Yes.
mr. Faun, and your point was...?
nu bljeee....
"mr. Faun, and your point was...?"
tev nesaprast!
Faun, ;) :}
tev nesaprast!
Faun, ;) :}
"mr. Faun, and your point was...?"
tev nesaprast!
Faun, ;) :}
tev nesaprast!
Faun, ;) :}
^ beidz
ruņčukiņ, es visu saprotu... zini, tu neesi pelnījis bučiņu, slikts kaķītis, jo iedrošinies mani, sexa dievu, kritizēt...
neceri, runčuk, nebučošu es tevi... esi sexa dievu nokaitinājis, pienes izpirkuma upuri, tad varbūt sūtīšu tev no debesīm eņģeli (lasi - meņģėli), lai iepriecina tavu noskumušo dvēseli un miesu...
No pāris komentiem pirmais rezumē: karoče latvietis kļūst traks padzeroties alkoholu, varbūt iepīpējot gandžu, kā arī ieraugot pliku meitieti(!?) trūcīgi, trūcīgi... nekā svēta vairs. D
un, vispār, ejiet gulēt, jau vēls...
There are no answers, there are no conditions, there are no, what un-implanted person would call control, there is only results. Let me make this more clear to you.
As the action ends like 902: h - e = h/ui+r : l(d+g), there comes re-action, and let there be no questions, cause we all know that th_ROOT_022 + gooF10,3 = nex nex nex 153"46 ---- cannot be changed anyway.
Action - re-action.
I constructed (reverse tEk 83.11 implant of MeMfors
//does anyone know, where can I get the upgrade v.1.03?
or pathetically talking, I resurrected my memories,
// My instinct controlling implant YbUk 27.11 was not plugged in
and as I see from the reanimated ReVer88Se memory chip, there is this organic-eye-focus straight in to the computes monitor, approximately 0.5m through the glass. It's 2003 01.21, when the vaginal copulating does not make any re-action on me, while delivered to the system only as a visual information. So called "vaginal porn" has met it's end naturally, as ----hu+re=(tih-15xIOW)----... it is an element of the "bizzare nature self-feeding needs cycle nr.371.63" I think there is no need to mention it anymore, as we must focus on the less phisically expierenced "backdoor". It is very interesting plane for the future researchment of the KGRT__rut 901.5547 categorie. And for more precise results, I will need your assistance, as a female object.
Inserting anal plug nr.135222 in the female object nr.23552.124.4444....
i feel... //Sorry, my instinct limiter is switched out again.
As the action ends like 902: h - e = h/ui+r : l(d+g), there comes re-action, and let there be no questions, cause we all know that th_ROOT_022 + gooF10,3 = nex nex nex 153"46 ---- cannot be changed anyway.
Action - re-action.
I constructed (reverse tEk 83.11 implant of MeMfors
//does anyone know, where can I get the upgrade v.1.03?
or pathetically talking, I resurrected my memories,
// My instinct controlling implant YbUk 27.11 was not plugged in
and as I see from the reanimated ReVer88Se memory chip, there is this organic-eye-focus straight in to the computes monitor, approximately 0.5m through the glass. It's 2003 01.21, when the vaginal copulating does not make any re-action on me, while delivered to the system only as a visual information. So called "vaginal porn" has met it's end naturally, as ----hu+re=(tih-15xIOW)----... it is an element of the "bizzare nature self-feeding needs cycle nr.371.63" I think there is no need to mention it anymore, as we must focus on the less phisically expierenced "backdoor". It is very interesting plane for the future researchment of the KGRT__rut 901.5547 categorie. And for more precise results, I will need your assistance, as a female object.
Inserting anal plug nr.135222 in the female object nr.23552.124.4444....
i feel... //Sorry, my instinct limiter is switched out again.
boks, tā ir milzu bagātība, nevis trūcība... lai tauta vairojas...
...teica tas kursh nomociits.... :P
902: h - e = h/ui+r : l(d+g)
Šīs divas vietas es nesapratu. Es te tāds esmu vienīgais? Nu tāds nesapraša, es domāju...
Vēl tikai pāris fakti, kas pēc manām domām ir ļoti zīmīgi:
1) The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.
2) Exam of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.
3) Exam of genitalia was completely negative except for the right foot.
4) Patient was shot in head with .32 caliber rifle. Chief Complaint: Headache.
Šīs divas vietas es nesapratu. Es te tāds esmu vienīgais? Nu tāds nesapraša, es domāju...
Vēl tikai pāris fakti, kas pēc manām domām ir ļoti zīmīgi:
1) The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.
2) Exam of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.
3) Exam of genitalia was completely negative except for the right foot.
4) Patient was shot in head with .32 caliber rifle. Chief Complaint: Headache.
to EdEnbeast- nu ja tauta tiešām vairotos, tas būtu pat ļoti apsveicami...,bet tak māk maitas izvairīties nevēlamajiem pēcnācējiem.
LOL black widow, un vinjai esot viirs..tad jau nav WIDOW :P
Nav man tādas stadijas bet varbūt neatceros
Irēna:"LOL black widow, un vinjai esot viirs..tad jau nav WIDOW :P"
Kā tu nesaproti! black.widow jau sen ir plāns... tamdēļ segvārdu laicīgi ielika tādu, nu, lai pēc tam nav jāmaina... :D
Kā tu nesaproti! black.widow jau sen ir plāns... tamdēļ segvārdu laicīgi ielika tādu, nu, lai pēc tam nav jāmaina... :D
vīrs droši vien ir, kāpēc gan ne.. ,bet noteikti precēts ar citu... nu tā teikt: viens otram nekaitē :)
man ir sens nick. lai gan iisti neatbilst vairs manai buutiibai, es tak netaisos tagad peekshnji mainiit to... vai varbuut vajadzeetu?...
nu nez.. taa var nelaimi pierunaat.. a varbuut arii nee.
par pagaatni nav ko zheelot nelaimi...
Ak, būšu parasts - drātēt sievieti - tas ir manu emociju everests. Varu arī stundām skatīties uz sievieti, skatīt sievieti izģērbjoties. Viss kļūst tik ciets, ka reizēm pat sāpīgi! Un jūs esat gulējuši blakus sievietei, kas masturbē! Lūk tā ir sajūta, iesaku, palūdziet sievām, draudzenēm vai vienkārši koncertā noķertām meitenēm, lai sniedz jums šo baudu! Tiešām, var nokļūt līdz ejakulācijai no skatiena vien. Un tā lūpu aplaizīšana un skatiens. Nu lūk, man jau rokas sāk trīcēt no šīs domas....
Pēc tam gan pie bungām, var tā spēlēt, ka pašam prieks:)
Pēc tam gan pie bungām, var tā spēlēt, ka pašam prieks:)
Balrogh, tu esi īsts monstrs! :D
Uf, es cenšos! Sviedri līst aumaļām, šī tveice un skatāmais uz Rīgas ielām, nav glābiņa acīm un iekārei.
velns.. cik ķērām koncī meičas, visas kā viena atteicās masturbēt. līdz ar to, izpalika kā erekcija, tā ejakulācija, tā arī emociju trakums.
to jau var definēt kā sava veida atkarību
Ak, būšu parasts - gullet blakus smirdiigam bozim kursh matubre savu kartona kasti.Lūk tā ir sajūta, iesaku, palūdziet bezpajumtniekam, bēdigam setniekam vai vienkārši zem tilta noķertam tabora dalībniekam, lai sniedz jums šo baudu! Tiešām, var nokļūt līdz ejakulācijai no skatiena vien. Un tā lūpu aplaizīšana un skatiens.
augury tu apzinies ka tu esi stulps? /:|
vai tu apzinies ka esi kloneeta ?
he,he - kādi pavasarīgi teksti :)
pavasaris valda pār galvu un citām ķermeņa daļām :)
tad jau drīzāk mazā galva valda pār lielo galvu
lucifera, nedusmo uz augury, viņš ir jau vecs vīrs... :D
ja es buutu kloneeta tad edenbeast buutu laimiigaakais vecis uz pasaules :D (6)
zini, jā... (6)(L)
saproti ta jau ir , dazhi stulbi, bet dazhi kloneti ar tendenci uz kloonu ha ha ha hah ah
seksa truukums..:))))
hmmm... noteikti tas ja izrādītos ka tāds dievs eksistē =DD
dievs neeksistē.
ja peekshi manaa istabaa uzrastos deivijs havoks un saaktu diedaat '99 red balloons', taa vareetu notikt.. :D
99 red balloons! fuck one and you have 98 red balloons
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