Gribēju pateikt, ka man iepatikās hardcore punk. Tā pozitīvā agresija, kas tur ir, tajos mošingos un mūzikā. Metal arī ir agresija, lai arī pasīvāka un bieži vien negatīva - sātanisms, mazu bērnu ēšana un anālā pornogrāfija. Bet es esmu pozitīvs cilvēks. Es klausos pārsvarā kristiešu metālu vai hc. Nu tāds, lūk, es esmu.
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Pasaulē ir ļoti daudz ļaunuma. Cilvēkiem neizmaksā algas, Lukašenko diktatūra, dzīvnieku mocīšana Ķīnā utt. un, ja tevī dzīvo agresija, novirzi to pret negatīvo. Tu jutīsies labāk!
drochiiit ar var agresiivi jampampinj
piekriitu par to negatiivismu, nevaig par daudz.
tas jau toksnis nevis muuzika
Tu sapratīsi, ka tā ir mūzika tad, kad aiziesi uz hc koncertu un uztaisīsi reālāko mošingu. Tad līdz tevīm aizies. Vismaz man tā bija.
un i neiedomajies metaljugu koncii moshoties, pa seju buus
maigonis bija aizgajis 25aja uz saksafonu?
Jā, 25. biju tur :)
Artuur, kas ir. Un metāls jau arī nav piemēros priekš mošinga, tikai priekš galvas mētāšanas.
man jau nu pret hardkoru absolūti nekas nav, man patīk noteiktas grupas-dziļāk gan es iekšā tur necenšos braukt, bet vecie Biohazard, Madball, Sick of it all, vecais Life of Agony, šis tas no Agnostic Front-šiem visiem vairāk vai mazāk cenšos sekot līdzi. ā jā vēl Blood for Blood un drusku Merauder.
bet par to pozitīvismu te vēl var strīdēties, tāpat pārsvarā par negativo ir teksti, par to cik viss ir sūdīgi, vai arī to kāds tu esi nodevējs un pimpis, tu mums uzgriezi muguru tagad tev dirsā būs(madball pārsvarā par šito tēmu).
kad klausos Suicidal Tendencies dziesmu Institutionalized man vienmēr jāsmaida par to tekstu::

Sometimes I try to do things, and it just don't turn out the way I wanted to
And I get real frustrated, it's like, I take my time and I try real hard,
But no matter what I do and no matter what I try it never works out,
It's like I concentrate on it real hard, but it never works out,
it's like I need some time to figure these things out, but there's always someone there going:
- Hey Mike, you know, we been noticing you've been having alot of problems lately,
You know, and like maybe you should talk about it, you'd feel alot better.
And I go:
- No, it's ok, I now have some problems, I'll figure it out myself,
Just leave me alone I'll figure it out.
And they go:
- Why don't you talk about it, you'll feel alot better?
And I go:
- No, I don't want to, just leave me alone, I'll figure it out myself!
And they keep on bugging me and it builds up inside, it builds up inside...

So you're gonna be institutionalized
You'll come out brainwashed with bloodshot eyes
You won't have any say
They'll brainwash you until you see their way

I'm not crazy - institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - institutionalized

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy, myself

I was sitting in my room, and I was like staring at the walls thinking about everything
But then again I was thinking about nothing, and then my mom came in
And I didn't notice she was there and she calls my name and I didn't hear her
And then she started screaming:
- Mike, Mike!
And I go:
- What, what's the matter?
She goes:
- What's the matter with you?
I say:
- Nothing mom.
She goes:
- Don't tell me nothing, you're on drugs!
I go:
- No mom, I'm not on drugs, I'm ok, I'm just thinking, you know, why don't you get me a Pepsi?
She goes:
- No, you're on drugs, you're crazy, normal people won't be acting that way!
I go:
- Mom, I'm all right, I'm just thinking, you know, so why don't you, like give me a Pepsi?
And she goes:
- No, you're crazy!
All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me, just one Pepsi.

They give you a white shirt with long sleeves
Tied around you're back, you're treated like thieves
Drug you up because they're lazy
It's too much work to help a crazy

I'm not crazy - institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - institutionalized

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy, myself

I was sitting in my room and my mom and my dad came in and they pulled up a chair and they sat down, they go:
- Mike, we need to talk to you.
And I said:
- Okay, what's the matter?
They go:
- Well me and your mom, we been noticing lately you've been having alot of
problems, and you haven't been acting like yourself, and we're afraid that
you're going to hurt somebody, and we're afraid that you're gonna hurt
yourself, so we decided that it would be in your best interest if we put
you somewhere where you could get the help that you need...
And I said:
- Wait, what are we talking about?! We decided?! My best interest?!
How can you know, how can you say what my best interest is?
What are you trying to say? I'm crazy? When I went to your schools,
I went to your churches, I went to your institutional learning facilities.
So how can you say that I'm crazy?

They say they're gonna fix my brain
Alleviate my suffering and my pain
But by the time they fix my head
Mentally I'll be dead

I'm not crazy - institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - institutionalized

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy, myself

It doesn't matter I'll probably get hit by a car anyway.

Mentally I'll be dead

I'm not crazy - institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - institutionalized

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy, myself

It doesn't matter I'll probably get hit by a car anyway.
mhm zem metāla nevar mošingot... drizāk jau vienkārši nav pieņemts mošingot, paskat paskat, kā arzemēs plosas zem jaunajiem deathiem, kgan tur ir kkā tā ka tas viss tiek maukts vienā skatuvē (hardcore + metalcore + deathmetal) (kautvai koncī hardcoredeathmetaligie From a second story window (superbanda! :d) + The Black Dahlia Murder + vel kkadi hardkori utt)
kaut vai kā piemērs skatuves savienotībai
Biohazard - tas jau izklausās pēc rapcore, pie tam tādās urlu balsīs.. arī video viņi diez ko labi neizskatās.
Biohazard dibināta 1988. gadā un pirmo albumu izdeva 1990-ajā, kad vēl tāds termins kā rapcore vēl nebija izdomāts. nezinu ko tu esi no viņiem dzirdējis bet visa viņu ēra līdz 1999,gada New World Disorder man nav kur piesieties, vēlākie albumi gan ir stipri švakāki. labākais manuprāt ir State of the world address un Urban Discipline. forš ņujorkas hardkors
To hardcore taada amatieru varza ir paarpludinaajusi, ka parastais mirstiigais tik viegli nevar atrast kko tieshaam kvalitatiivu...
Hārdkorā galvenais ir dumpīgais mesidžs, mūzika - jo nekvalitatīvāka, jo labāk.
nu tad es paseeju...
jaja maigoni - iesaku - pasham bija jaunums redzeet tesla dziivajaa (un veelviskauko bet shitas taa vairaak iespiedaas atminjaa) - uzstaashanaas speex - bezpaartraukumu mixs saakot no instrumentaalaam ljoti atmosfeeriskaam vietaam beidzot ar pamatiigu desu bet ne par daudz. nu par to muuzikas nekvalitativitaati gan nepaaraak var piekrist bet par pozitiivo agressiju (dusmaam labaak izklausaas) gan.
tādas TESLA lv nav ;D tur bija TESA.
Grupa kas reāli ieliek visādiem biohazardiem, un nekad netiek pieminēta un manuprāt loti nepelnīti - ir Downset no LA. Ieteicamākie albumi ar ko sākt ir 'Lies' - 1994 un 'Do we speak a dead language' 1996. Sitiens tieshi pa acīm jeb hardcore klasika.
var jau arī iemst ausī kādu skaņu no veciem bukiem kā D.R.I. Nav man ne mazākās sajēgas par hardcore vēsturi, bet nu šie varētu būt vieni no pirmajiem... nu vismaz vieni no...

šitie puikiņi man kārtīgi ieper, un vēl tas klips skolā... >:)
ko tev vaig triiskrusti ?

daa tas jau ezim skaidrs ka pie metaala nemosho tak visur lohi atrodaas i pie mums i frichos arii kas iedomaajaas ka var te tagad baigi gruustiities pa seju nedabonot... hehe taa vinji domaa gan hehehe...

jaa nu HCsuukaa btw
Drīzāk jāsaka - sūkā tas, ko Tu uzskati par HC. (atceroties diskusiju citā foruma tēmā).
nu tas suukaa veel pamatiigaak, pietam savu izdarija - atsita vispaar simpaatijas pret sho zhanru kaa taadu
par mošingu runājot, es biju uz lāpstiņām, kad malējs man rādīja Konkhra klipu ar momentiem no dzīvā. Nu viss ko es varu pateikt... es pat nezinu... nezinu vai jūs esat redzējuši, kas tas mošings pa mataino modei tāds maz ir. Ja esat redzējuši, tad zinat, ko es ar to domāju. Uh...
Man man patīk vairāki gabali no Soulfly. Arī no Dry kill logic un Demon hunter. Kur ir kaut kas no HC un melodic death piem. Devildriver (zajebis ku labs) un Diablo. Toč labs.
Nu HC i labs līdz brīdim kad dziesmas paliek balstītas uz 2 rifiem, vai arī ja vokāls izdomā dziedāt homīša balsī.
Ā un mošot šad tad ir baigi pat labi.
nee nu riktiigaa panku koncii var ar pamoshot shad tad
latvijā vel hc koņčos tāds ''true hardcore mosh''(LOL!) man šķiet vel nemaz nenotiek, reti kad uztaisa foršu aplīti, kurā var pataisīt vertuškas :]
Konkhra? Redzeets kaadaa 97. gadaa, ja tas ir tas pats...nujaa...nez, kas no tiem cilvjiem ir palicis paari ap sho laiku?;)
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