Messiah quits Candlemass
Tas arī viss :( Labi, ka pagājušo gadu vēl izdevās noķert livītē.

CANDLEMASS vocalist Messiah Marcolin contacted BLABBERMOUTH.NET today (April 28) to reveal that he has left the Swedish doomsters and that it's 100 percent definite that he will not return. "We could not agree on how to do the new album," he said, but would not further elaborate on his sudden departure.

Marcolin spent the early months of 2006 recovering from an infection of the vocal cords and was ordered by his doctor to wait until this summer before resuming singing.

CANDLEMASS recorded four new songs with producer Andy Sneap (NEVERMORE, ARCH ENEMY, MACHINE HEAD) in late February at the new Polar studios in Stockholm, Sweden. At the time, the group's bassist/songwriter Leif Edling said of the material, "The songs are pretty much in the same vein as the stuff on the [self-titled 2005] reunion album, maybe a bit darker."
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Nu redzēs redzēs.
Man šķiet tas nākamais albūms var arī nekad neiznākt. Žēl ka tā, jo pēdējais bija labs.
žēl,laikam jau man tā arī nesanāks šos redzēt....
hmm, nez ko jams taga pasāks?
CANDLEMASS bassist/songwriter Leif Edling has released a statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET regarding singer Messiah Marcolin's announcement that he was leaving the band.

As previously reported, Marcolin contacted BLABBERMOUTH.NET earlier today (April 28) to reveal that he has parted ways with the Swedish doomsters and that it's 100 percent definite that he will not return. "We could not agree on how to do the new album," he said, but would not further elaborate on his sudden exit.

Edling's official statement on Messiah's "departure" reads as follows:

"Messiah's got a severe pre-recording psychosis at the moment. I'm pretty sure he will record his vocals for the new album this summer as planned."
Mesijam psihoze... LOL
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