Grupu pametis vokālists:

"Due to ongoing circumstances and issues in Dan's Tyantor's personal life, vocalist Dan Tyrantor has resigned from Usurper. The remaining four members will indefinately continue as a four piece with guitarist, Rick Scythe and bassist Jon Necromancer taking over all vocal duties. Usurper are still confirmed and will perform at both the Minneapolis Mayhem Fest '06 on August 26th as well as the "Day of the Equinox" concert in Toronto, Canada on September 23. The band will also enter the studio in early 2007 to record their 6th full length album as previously planned.

"Dan Tyrantor has officially quit Usurper. Dan has been dealing with a lot of personal problems over the last few months which unfortunately caused him to be unable to rehearse with the band for nearly the entire summer. Since we have concert and recording obligations coming up we decided it was best if he took a break from the band in order to straighten out his life, then come back full force once his situation was in order. However, once we told him we would do the remaining shows without him, he quit.

All of us in Usurper wish Dan Tyrantor nothing but the best in his personal life and future musical endevours. We greatly appreciate the 2 & a half years of service and dedication he gave to this band and hope he gets all his personal problems resolved as soon as possible. Dan is a great vocalist, frontman and metal brother and will sure be an asset to any band or project he decides to do next."
- Rick, Jon, Joe & Carc"

Kā runā, "personal problems" šajā gadījumā jāsaprot kā nodzeršanās.

btw, kā jumsim vispār šitā blice? Es esmu dzirdējis tikai pēdējos 2 albumus, "Twilight Dominion" un "Cryptobeast", bet abi, lai arī stilistiski mazliet atšķirīgi, spārda nemērāmus daudzumus sēžamvietas.

"Bringing the demise of this mainstream shit Skulls will be broken, throats will be slit Shitting on the posers, making them pay
Bringing back the true Metal ways!"

/Usurper - "Kill for Metal"/
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
tas vokaals vispaar taa sameeraa mulkjiigi izklausiijaas cryptobeast bij makten labs
Tagad ir pasūtījuši nah bundzinieku, vokālu izpilda Rick Scythe pats, atcelta Eiropas tūre, lai koncentrētos uz jaunā albuma ierakstu. Vienā dziesmā kā viesis vokalizēs vecais vokālists General Diabolical Slaughter. Tas tā, īsumā :)
Patīk man tā brigādīte!!! Uj! Drausmig' baiss kašķ's!
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :((((

"USURPER: R.I.P. - 1993-2007

After 13 and a half years, 5 studio albums and hundreds of concerts in 17 different countries around the world, Usurper has come to an end. Everyone in Usurper would like to thank their die-hard fans and friends for over a decade of Metal insanity! This decision was very hard for the members of the band, but as the saying goes, 'all things must come to an end'.

Although the decision to end Usurper wasn't easy, it was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, between member changes, label issues and lack of communication between the remaining band members, now was the time to nail up the Usurper coffin so to speak.

The official MySpace page will still be maintained and we will try to keep everyone updated on what the remaining band members are up to. Rick has started a new band called Nightshade [ and Jon and Chris will also pursue other musical outlets. Be sure to check this MySpace page in the near future, for news about such musical en devours.

Again, thank you for your support - we will try to respond to any comments and help answer any further questions.

Usurper (1993-2007)"

Sasodīts, šitas gan baigi iesūkā. :(
Labais bandenieks. Pagaidām -Cryptobeast- vislabāk patīk.
Hehehe, pielipināju, ja? Ir, ir lapps.
Ugu :) Nedaudz Zimmers Hole atgādināja - nevar tik saprast, viņi parodē, vai pa nopietnam ņemas ;)
Tipa jau ņēmās nopietni, bet skaidrs, ka daži labi teksti (Metal Lust, Kill For Metal) ir stipri "tongue-in-cheek" :)
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