R.I.P. Jon Nödtveidt
DISSECTION līderis Jon Nödtveidt izdarījis pašnāvību.

Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Iznāk, ka savu "I'm ready to kill and die for what I believe" Nödtveidts ir izpildījis ar uzviju. Nu ko, vismaz paspēju šamo vēl dzīvajā redzēt..
Nu bljin, v pizdu...
va iti kšis nesen nebij no ķurķa?... Nu gan viens jautrs džeks...
Tfu, pat valoda raustīties sāka... R.I.P.
reklaamas triks, ibio!!!
nu ko RIP, veciit!
The following statement has been published on the official homepage of Dissection:

As rumours have started to spread we feel obliged to confirm Jon Nödtveidt's death.

Jon Nödtveidt was a man who lived his life according to his convictions and True Will. A couple of days ago he chose to end his life by his own hands. As a true Satanist he led his life in the way he wanted and ended it when he felt that he had fulfilled his self-created destiny. Not everyone will have understanding or acceptance for his personal path in this life and beyond, but all must respect his choice.

Those of us who have met him in his last days can assure that he was more focussed, happier and stronger than ever. It is our full conviction that he left this world of lies with a scornful laughter, knowing that he had fulfilled everything that he had set up for himself to accomplish. The empty space that he leaves behind will be filled with the dark essence that he manifested through his life and black-magical work. His legacy and Luciferian Fire will live on through those few who truly knew him and appreciated his work for what it really was and still is. As our brother's goal in life and death never was to "Rest in Peace", we will instead wish him victories in all battles to come, until the Acosmic Destiny has been fulfilled.
"As our brother's goal in life and death never was to "Rest in Peace", we will instead wish him victories in all battles to come, until the Acosmic Destiny has been fulfilled."

True sātanists haha, lai viņu Sātans pacepina ellē.
lai Sātans iedirš tev mutē! moš aizvērsies...
Maigoni eij dirst
Nu fuck, žēl drausmīgi..
R.I.P Let walhalla are forever yours!
Drausmīgi žēl... viņš bija tik labs cilvēks...
Maigoni nemaz neceri ka pats debesīs nonāksi.. ba... par taviem pagātnes zilajiem grēkiem netiks piedots kā arī tagatnes... nonāksi pie šī onka un viņš tev parādīs kurš ir kurš....
sorē par netēmu...

bāc, a ja es izdariitu pashnaaviibu, kaads par mani rakstiitu rakstus par to, kaa savu melnaas magjijas lietprateeja un saatanista dziives gaajuma esenci esmu piepildījis un, smejoties par jums visiem nemelnmaģiskajiem nesātana nīkuļiem, aizgājis no šīs nesātanistu nesaprastās vietas?

Nu, ja tu būtu pirms tam sacerējis un ierakstījis pāris labus metāla albumus, kas atstājuši ietekmi uz visu metāla pasauli, kā arī būtu ticis notiesāts par līdzdalību slepkavībā, tad droši vien, ka arī par tevi rakstītu rakstus.
visiem tik žēl, tik žēl... kas? jums viņš baisais čuoms bijis?
Sātanistu solidaritāte. :) Care about other.
sen jau bija laix. lai dievs piedod shai nabaga muuzham neapmierinaatajai komplexu nomociitajai dveeselei taas greekus. patiikami jau tas nebuus toch...
JA tā padomā, šodien aprit 3 gadi kopš Anti-Cosmic Metal Of Death ir izbeidzies.

"Your presence is everlasting and we know that you are reaping what you had sown through the Power of your Will, Courage and Faith. You will never be forgotten!

Hail Jon Nödtveidt!"

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