KCUF radio archive
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The infamous station that brought to the Internet airwaves the pinnacles in nihilistic death metal, atavistic and romantic black metal, and transcendent ambient soundscapes has been recompiled and archived in its known entirety to initiate the unfamiliar and inspire those who remember.

Originally found on the internet at KCUF.ORG and later KCUF.COM, this infamous station brought to the radio a number of eclectic programs, focusing heavily on Death Metal and Black Metal and other related subgenres through weekly broadcasts.

The shows, once fully archived and available from KCUF in streaming audio and mp3 formats, have been offline since the folding of the station in 2001. Many station admirers, drawn to the quality of musical selection and drug-induced stream-of-consciousness banter of the infamous DJ GOAT in particular, have since clamored for the reinstallation of these shows for continued indulgence.

As the metal genres around which most of these shows were based show signs of fatigue or outright collapse, these archives serve as a monument to what once stood monolithically on the horizon of modernity, in contrast to the demagogic, over-socialized, and stale depths to which the genres have descended in subsequent times. The music was selected in such a way as avoid these later pitfalls; much of these programs represent the eternal cores of their respective genres, a fact that becomes ever-more apparent upon revisiting them years later. Promising also is the prospect of a rarity, a forgotten classic seething somewhere in the depths which has been lost in the haze of clones, haphazard one-"man" projects, and over-bloated technical bores.

The KCUF programming has been archived on this site in its known entirety, and tracklists have been provided with as much accuracy as possible. If anybody is able to contribute currently missing tracklists or shows, they are encouraged to contact the archiver here ( kcuf@puredeath.org ).

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