R.I.P. Pungent Stench :(
Guitarist/vocalist Martin Schirenc (a.k.a. Don Cochino) of the long-running Austrian extreme metallers PUNGENT STENCH has released the following statement:

"You probably have noticed that I didn't [release] any updates on our forthcoming album for the last four weeks and now I have a sad announcement to make:

"Due to band internal disputes, both personal and business-related, we came to the point where it's impossible to continue making music together. All upcoming shows have been cancelled and there won't be any further live activities in the future, at least not with the current lineup.

"This wasn't an easy decision and, speaking strictly for me, I wish we could have worked things out. Unfortunately, we couldn't come to a compromise settlement. However, I'll do everything in my power to release [the recently completed PUNGENT STENCH] album, since I believe it's too good to be trashed and mostly because we owe it to you, our loyal fans! I will also continue making music together with El Gore, who had a big bearing on the new album and is a great musician and friend.

"I hope you understand my position and I would be pleased to see you at a show of my future musical projects, because I ain't done rockin', yet!

"Thank you for your abiding support and sympathy, but the time has come for me to move on and break new ground."

Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
sorry. konvencionāls death ir pilnīgi man negaumē.

Es pieprasu jaunu Hollenthon. ASAP!
^^^^ Atbalstu tevi pilnībā par H.
Tjā, jaunais Hollenthon kaut kā jau pāris gadus kavējas... Atceros, ka bija paredzēts 2005. gada aprīlī; pērn Blomē Martins teica, ka cer līdz gada beigām izdot, a kur ta nu i?

A par PS man kaut kā liekas, kas šitas būs līdzīgs māņu gājiens kā ar Sinister - sadiršas, tip izjūk, un pēc pusgada reunions, tikai jau bez nevēlamā grupas dalībnieka sastāvā.
Ai bēdas, bēdas!... Kā nu mēs tagad bez RIEBĪGI SMIRDOŠAJIEM?!!! Mani tik ļoti iepriecēja šitās bandas atgriešanās, ka nu galīgi nezinu ko darīt tagad - vai priecāties, ka būs kaut kas jauns (iesp. no HOLLENTHON), vai mēģināt uz atvadām sakomplektēt visas šamējo relīzes... bet, nu... nekas jau nav mūžīgs...
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