Magic Circle Festival 2008
Kāds uz šito plāno doties?

Magic Circle Music
Proudly Presents
The Magic Circle Festival 2008
“The Kings Of Metal 20th Anniversary Event”
Bad Arolsen, Germany

• 4 days of unlimited metal madness
• 20,000 free beers
• 20,000 free copies of the new MANOWAR single
• 4 Custom Built Choppers owned by MANOWAR band members given away
• 6 classic MANOWAR albums performed live in their entirety
• $115.00 (80 EUR), for the greatest heavy metal gathering of the year
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
Palasot to infu, izklausās jau iespaidīgi. :D
• 20,000 free copies of the new MANOWAR single
• 4 Custom Built Choppers owned by MANOWAR band members given away
• 6 classic MANOWAR albums performed live in their entirety

ja ja es jau skrienu:D
veeh manowar! :(
zin man labāk interesē tie 20,000 nahaļavu aliņi
hā hā ne jau uz galvu tie 20.000 tāpat kā ne jau katram dos tūkstošiem singlu
visticamāk visp netiktu klāt XD
tur būs noteikti masveida manowaristu zobenu cīņas par tiem čoperiem un pārējām figņām
"Magic Circle Music's first festival took place July 6th-7th in Bad Arolsen, Germany.

"We have successfully achieved our goal of saying 'Thank You' to all of you true metal fans by offering a great lineup and a great structure for only 10 euros per night. Over 25,000 fans witnessed the ecstasy of metal which will be available on DVD before Christmas!

... will give away "thousands" of free beers and copies of their new single as well as four custom-built chopper bikes, each belonging to one of the bandmembers. On top of that, MANOWAR will apparently play their first six albums in their entirety, from "Battle Hymns" to "Kings of Metal".

In addition to different sets by MANOWAR on each day, this year's Magic Circle Festival featured performances by GAMMA RAY, MAJESTY, HOLYHELL, MOB RULES, STORMWARRIOR, MESSIAH'S KISS, DAVID SHANKLE GROUP, LION'S SHARE, HEAVENLY, IMPERIA and SAIDIAN.

Njā, iespaidīgi. Vispār sanāk, ka būs 3 (4) Manowar konči ar 3-4 iesildītājiem pirms katra. Un iesildītāji visi ir labi.
4 dienas pat lielākiem die hard faniem nebūs pa grūtu? :D
Vispar jau cik sapratu no rakstītā, tad būs divi, nevis trīs vai četri, Manowar konči. Pirmajā tiks pilnībā nospēlēti "Battle Hymns", "Into Glory Ride" un "Hail to England", savukārt otrajā - "Sign of the Hammer", "Fighting the World" un "Kings of Metal". Un "The Crown And The Ring (Lament Of The Kings)" tikšot pirmoreiz atskaņots kora un orķestra pavadībā.
(Magic) Circle Jerk festival būtu atbilstošāks nosaukums :D

Interesanti, ka vienā forumā džeks strāstīja, ka pasūtījis biļetes uz šo festu, un pēc pāris dienām viņam pizvanījis Eric Adams pats personīgi un pateicies par biļešu iegādi :D Nez, viņam nekas labāks nav ko darīt?
Moš bija 10 000 pasūtītājs ? A kas tad kārtīgam superstāram vēl jādara ?
^^^ drinking fucking manowaring :D
Vienkarši pirmais pasutītājs,ew Viesuli,Somu jau sakrāmēji?
Vienkarši pirmais pasutītājs,ew Viesuli,Somu jau sakrāmēji?
Vel šis tas ir apstiprinājis dalību. Šībrīža line-up:

jobcik, buutu tagad nauda pasuutiitu un dotos:(
jaa labs festiņš
vot šitāds line-up jau pavelk uz kaut ko ļoti nopietnu.. it īpaši Whitesnake un Stormwarrior
Nekas īpašs tur nav ja vien neesi Manowar vai hevī metal fans.
Bet uz graspop gan ir jādodas laikam
Bet es esmu un tāpēc ir īpaši sāpīgi, ka saistībā ar Blomi ir "vai", nevis "un". :(
būt vēl 2pac un es braucu!
Re, kādas atsauksmes par šo pasākumu, raksta austrālietis:

"magic circle festival was terrible

joey demaio is the biggest idiot on the face of the planet, i swear.

while he spent the whole festival ranting for 15 minutes at a time about those 'motherfuckers that didn't want this festival to happen' (who?? why is it that a guy so quick to point and name suddenly starts being so vague?), reminding us that 'he was the motherfucker giving away 20,000 free beers', or countless other classic bullshit spin-lines (you can probably look them up on youtube if you care enough), those of us in the festival grounds spent 2 full days before the toilets were cleaned (and they got FILTHY), were subjected to more security pat-downs than someone going through Heathrow, were treated to an open-air show without any big screens, and if we got close enough to see we were BOMBARDED by every man and his dog flying a flag in the front few rows of crowd. if you weren't at the side, you couldn't see a thing.

I swear there couldn't be a worse person than a German Manowar fan. The combination of the 2 mindsets is just unbelievable. They have all the no-bullshit 'im a metal warrior' stuff down pat and cry while singing crown and the ring, plus they buy joey's bullshit so much easier than the rest of the world. No wonder they followed hitler into their graves by the millions


I WANTED TO SEE WHITESNAKE AND DEF LEPPARD. maybe if Joey wasnt the world's absolute biggest moron they wouldnt have pulled out of his shitty excuse for a festival. he couldnt organise a root in a brothel - no wonder they didnt hang around.

Fighting the World and Kings of Metal were pretty sweet live though haha"

savukārt kāds horvāts (ar niku ManÖwarrioR) uzskata šitā:

"Were you there for toilets or for the music? I just got home from Germany two hours ago and IMHO the Festival was fucking fantastic. Ted Nugent was great. Alice Cooper was amazing. Doro was awesome. Gotthard was very cool. Joey Lynn Turner ruled. Manowar was best ever. Two amazing shows, each over 3 hours long, with first six albums performed in full, it doesn't get any better than that. The sound was brilliant, Eric was in top form vocally, and Rhino just destroyed the drumkit. Too bad about Def Leppard though, I agree there. I really wanted to see them. During the six days I was there, I met a lot of awesome metalheads from all around the world. I also met Manowar and got my stuff signed, what was really killer. Also, since I ordered my ticket among the first people, I also got the festival shirt for free and Magic Circle Festival 2007 DVD for free. On the festival we all got free new Manowar single (which OWNS by the way) plus I drank at least four free beers. Now if all that isn't a steal for 80 euros, I don't know what is. Joey fucking rules and is that biggest metalhead ever, and the past two nights convinced me that more than ever.

P.S. And it you were at the soundcheck on Tuesday night, you could've witnessed the breaking of World Record for the loudest PA system with over 138 db's."

Karoč, vienaldzīgo nav - značit labs bijis :)

138db <- o_O sikk
Labs :D

No wonder they followed hitler into their graves by the millions
Cik sapratu no, esot arī no Latvijas ļauži ar busiņu uz turieni devušies.
Esmu atgriezusies no festivāla vakar.. Satiku veel chetrus metalhead'us no Latvijas! Iespaids gad ir neizteicams ar vaardiem! Manowar bija vienreizeeji izspeelejushi savus seshus albuumus!! Un vienaldziigo tur gan nebija ;) m/
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