bye bye Deranged
Monday, March 31, 2008


As some of you already know, Deranged will disband, and the shows that supposed to play, are unfortunly cancelled. terrably sorry on the behalf of the band that things turned out this way. Here you can read the official statement regarding the split-up:

"Sad news… A couple of weeks ago Rikard Wermén [drums] decided to leave the band. He’s been handling all of the band’s correspondence (as well as any other matters concerning the band) the last 15 years and told us that he basically was fed up and didn’t want to do that any longer and therefore decided to leave the band. He’s been doing a really great work and has always managed to squeeze in time to handle the band’s business. He also said numerous times that he will stay and do whatever shows that was booked but wouldn’t handle any correspondence and the likes, and even said if we managed to get a tour later this year, he would stay for that as well in case we hadn’t managed to get a new drummer. Fair enough, and we thank him eternally for that… Now, Johan Axelsson [guitar] said that he didn’t want to do the booked shows and wanted to split the band up (’coz of reasons unknown) which leaves me and Thomas Ahlgren [bass] no other choice then hereby say that we can’t play the [previously announced European festivals plus the Maryland Deathfest in the U.S.]. Therefore DERANGED are from now on split up."

Any further questions regarding this matter WILL NOT be answerd here on myspace.
We would like to say thanx to all the fans that have supported the band during the years, and we hope that the music will live on. Stay grind! / Thomas

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