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Hostmorke ir baigi labs, zloba. Ja nu kas, tad tik pat labs ir arī Storm-Nordavind-1995.

Storm - Nordavind (8/10) - Norway - 1995

Genre: Folk Metal
Label: Moonfog Productions
Playing time: 42:38
Band homepage: -


1. Innferd
2. Mellom Bakkar Og Berg
3. Haavard Hedde
4. Villemann
5. Nagellstev
6. Oppi Fjellet
7. Langt Borti Lia
8. Lokk
9. Noregsgard
10. Utferd
šitas labs no Satīra un Fenriza puses :D

On the album 'Nordavind', Storm plays metallized versions of traditional Norwegian folk songs.

After Nordavind was released, Kari Rueslåtten stated in the Norwegian music newspaper Puls that when she agreed to join the project, she made sure that there would be no extreme lyrics in the songs, but then she felt betrayed by Satyr and Fenriz, because the later one wrote a new end to the song 'Oppi Fjellet': "...en grusom død til hver en mann/som ikke hyller vårt faderland..." (...a horrifying death to every man/who doesn't hail our fatherland...) and " du noengang lukter kristenmannsblod/oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet/så hent ›ksa og hugg dem ned/oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet" (..if you ever smell the Christian man's blood/up in the mountains, up in the mountains/then get your axe and chop them down/up in the mountains, up in the mountains). According to Kari "I reacted very strongly when I heard that they had changed the lyric, but I wasn't strong enough to say no. Now I want that people shall forget this. I feel totally crushed, and I feel that I have lost everything but people must accept that I have made a mistake. And they have to see me as the person I am, as the artist I am. I don't want to be punished more than I already have been punished through this".
Nu, kkur jau varēji arī piedurt, ka tā Kari Ruislatten ir no THE 3RD AND THE MORTAL (norsk doom leģendām) :)
Vēl pie vecajiem truu kvlt gabaliem noteikti jāpiemetina Abruptum izdzimumu It & All projektu VONDUR un visā visumā spēcīgo 995. gada plati Stridsyfirlysing (bļin, neatceros, ko tas nozīmēja, bet izklausās nelabi - kaut kas starp strijām, sifilisu un līzingu, muzons līdzīgs, pavisam nihilistisks (attiecībā pret tolaik populārajām bm tendencēm) true dark side ov the force nekkrominimālisms
Nu, man jau ARCKANUM atnāca un tāda sajūta, ka es te vienatnē metu kulakā pie Kostogher-1997 kamēr ārā mežā pavasaris \\mmm/// kā jums? tūlīt iešu gulbju pabarot..

A tas Kvist torents baik lēns, būs vēl kkur jāpašurī
Ir man arī kvisc, sīdoju, līčojiet kamēr nēsmu pārdomājies, bļe, ku stulba valoda
mmm... "Fran Marder" un "Kostogher". Manta!
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