Best BURZUM album ever:
Lūk, mani pārsteidza iepriekšējās aptaujas rezultāti, kurā tikai, šķiet, Sonnenmensch bija minējis šī mākslinieka melnrades relevanci black metal vēstures anālēs ;) toties viņa virtuozās basa partijas spējušas padarīt par populārāko pavisam citas grupas albumu, kaut kā negodīgi, so...


Burzum - Filosofem

Label: Misanthropy Records, Cymophane Productions
Catalog#: AMAZON 009, EYE 004
Format: CD, Album, Digipak
Country: UK
Released: 31 Jan 1996
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Black Metal, Ambient
Credits: Artwork By - Theodor Kittelsen
Composed By, Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Drums - Varg Vikernes
Notes: First edition comes in a thick hardcover A5 digipak with 12-page booklet. Subsequent reissues are in regular (square) digipak and A5-size digipak.
Rating: 4.8/5 (57 votes)

1 Dunkelheit (7:05)
2 Jesus' Tod (8:39)
3 Erblicket Die Töchter Des Firmaments (7:53)
4 Gebrechlichkeit I (7:52)
5 Rundgang Um Die Transzendentale Säule Der Singularität (25:11)
6 Gebrechlichkeit II (7:52)


Man liekas interesanti, ka šis ir pēdējais no trijiem albūmiem, kurus Vargs ierakstīja 1993. - savā pēdējā nebrīves :) gadā, izdots tikai 2 gadus vēlāk. Ka vokāli rakstīti caur austiņām arī labs storijs, bet, klausīšu Deth šoreiz - kas gribēs, paši atradīs...
Komentāri sakārtoti pēc to ievadīšanas datuma
The Filosofem ("Philosofem") album: this album contains the first real Burzum track, titled Dunkelheit on the album (but the real title of the track is Burzum. Dunkelheit is just the German translation of Burzum), that I originally wanted to include on the Hvis Lyset tar oss album (but the recording was very poor, so I didn't use it). I changed the name to Burzum from Uruk-Hai when I made this song (I think in August 1991). The album is a bit weird, and far from perfect, but it is okay. Unfortunately (?), this is the album that sounds the most like the new Burzum music.

Another great rumor is that guitars and drums for "Filosofem" were played and recorded by Fenriz and Nocturno Culto from Darkthrone. Can You confirm or deny this?

Well, who comes up with these rumours anyhow? Why on Earth would Fenriz and Nocturno Culto play the drums and guitars on the "Filosofem" album? The album was recorded in March 1993, in Bergen, and everything was played by me. I even carried all the instruments into the studio myself and recorded the album in solitude.
+ nevaru atrast to interviju, kur viņš studijas tehniķim prasa pašu sūdīgāko mikrofonu balss ierakstam, kādu vien var atrast, un tas viņam iedod - austiņas. :) Jā, droši vien tie, kas bieži ar vadiem ņemās, būs pamanījuši, ka ja austiņas pieslēdz line-in vai mikronofa ieejai, darbojas kā pavājināts mikrofons, nu un tad filosofem krc ir caur austiņām iedziedāts, tāpēc ar tik labi skan, jo so faking invertēti, ka nevar nelabi neskanēt
es arī teicu Burzum :(
Besī man šitā dziesmu nosaukumu tulkošana. Nu tipa "In the Tirelis swamp", nevis "Tīreļa purvā". Rekur ir riktīgais albuma treklists:

1. Burzum – 7:05
2. Jesu Død – 8:39
3. Beholding the Daughters of the Firmament – 7:53
4. Decrepitude I – 7:53
5. Rundtgåing Av Den Transcendentale Egenbetens Støtte – 25:11
6. Decrepitude II – 7:53

Bet, jāsaka, arī man tas šķiet labākais Burzum albums.
Jesu Død - смерть христа (Kroda)
^^^ labākais kovers Burzumam ever, var jaunu tēmu cept augšā :)
Molot - Stemmen Fra Tårnet no Lost Freedom manuprāt gan labāks :)
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