Bleiza tonzūra
Matt Johnsen. Pharaoh dibinātājs un ģitārists, to bija atradis žurnālā Mojo ( un apzvēr, ka tā ir īsta reklāma:
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Nu negrib džeks mīt Halforda pēdās ...
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Nu un - nav jau nekāda bezjēdzīga operācija, lai novērstu neesošu trūkumu. Labāk nekā parūka.

Šaubos vai kāds no večiem, kas tagad lepojas ar krāšņām cirtām, priecātos, ja viņiem sāktu noiet mati.
Pie dirsas tā viņa lisene, nebūtu jābrībnās, ja viņam mati izkristu vispār:

BLAZE BAYLEY: For My Wife's Memory And To Honor Her, I Will Continue - Oct. 14, 2008

British heavy metal vocalist Blaze Bayley (IRON MAIDEN, WOLFSBANE), whose wife, Debbie Hartland, died late last month after suffering a brain hemorrhage while in the hospital, has released the following statement:

"Thank you all for your support through this most difficult time.

"Some weeks before Debbie had her first brain haemorrhage, we were talking about what we would do if anything ever happened to the other partner. I don't really know why this came up, but perhaps it was something to do with the loss of her nephew, who a few weeks before was involved in a fatal road accident.

"'What am I supposed to do if anything happens to you?' She said. I had forgotten to take some medication for my blood pressure, prescribed by the doctor, and she was annoyed with me. In an argumentative way I said, 'And what am I supposed to do if anything happens to you?' I can see her in my mind so clearly now, as she stopped what she was doing and looked at me and said, 'What would you do if anything happened to me?'

"'Nothing,' I said, 'I would give up. There is no reason to live if you are not with me.' She looked at me, and smiled, the way she did when she knew that when I said I loved her I meant it.

"'No,' she said, 'I'd want you to carry on with your music.'

"A couple of weeks after that conversation Debbie was in a coma.

R.I.P. Debbie
Best wishes, Blaze.
Njā ... shit hapens ... diemžēl.
Līdzjūtība Mr. Bayley.

anyway, viņš ir īsts monstrs, un otra tāda nav. Metalmanijā šis man pie rokas turējās, kad bija uz skatītāju aizžogojuma uzkāpis. pofig par visu viņa matu būšanu, mākslinieks viņš ir izcils un ļoti daudzām metal zvaigznēm ir jānobāl šī veča skatuves enerģijas priekšā.
weee, this sucks :(
jācer, ka bērnu viņiem nebija.
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